Microsoft Build Clashes With Google I/O
Written by Lucy Black   
Saturday, 10 February 2018

The respective Microsoft and Google Developer conferences are the year's highlights for many - and many of us have allegiances to both. This year the dates of the two events coincide. Was it deliberate and if so who will it benefit?

We've know the date for Google I/O since January 24th after it was revealed via an online puzzle:



Last week Microsoft announced the date for build:




Oops!  On May 8th and 9th we can't be in two places at once!

I don't think either Microsoft or Google are going to thrilled by the clash as both of them want the limelight to themselves. Microsoft might seem to have a slight advantage being first by one day - but it can't fit all its product announcements into Day 1 and there are multiple areas, AI being one, where both companies will be making headlines. 

It's not just Google and Microsoft that are going to affected - and let's face it both will still be sell outs - it's the entire industry. Lots of other companies set out their stalls (both physically and metaphorically) at these events - and many of them will find it hard to divide effort over both. 

As well as being a dilemma for many developers it is an even bigger  headache for technical journalists. Imagine the scene: 

"Cortana block out May 7 - 9 in my diary and find out the options for flights to Seattle."

"I can't do that Dave. You are due to be in Mountain View on May 8 and I've already made bookings.for hotels and arranged meetings for you. Do you want me to cancel and start over?"


It's not much less of a problem for I Programmer. We'll be inundated with far more news than we have space for in a single week. Perhaps I can book my trip to a remote desert island (requirement no Internet) before anyone else realizes the implications.

And perhaps in future Cortana and the Google Assistant could help plan the dates.

"Cortana book the date for Build and liaise with Google Assistant to make sure that it doesn't clash with I/O."

"I can't do that Dave, Google Assistant isn't talking to me..."





More Information

Google I/O 2018

Microsoft Build 2018

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 10 February 2018 )