More Speakers And Topics At SDD 2015
Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Book your place this week (by February 13th) for the Software Design & Development Conference, taking place in London in May to save up to £300.  


SDD 2015 will again take place at the Barbican Conference Centre. It includes both full-day workshops held on Monday 11th May and Friday 15th May and 90-minute conference breakout sessions during the middle of the week. Recent additions to the schedule, which has eight tracks, are from first-time speakers at this event, bringing the number of speakers to thirty-six.

There are details of all the speakers in the SDD 2015 Brochure, which also has a overview of each session. Helpfully, all the sessions are ranked in two ways on a scale of 1 to 5. Coding Level indicates how much demo coding the session will contain, a rating of 1 means none, and 5 means nothing-but. In terms of what to expect in terms of difficulty,  Advanced Level 1 means introductory, and 5 means black-belt. When you view the Agenda you'll find that each talk is tagged by topic - or rather topics since more have three or more tags. 

In Cutting Edge Topics At SDD 2015 we already looked at many of the topics on the agenda and here's a look at the latest additions. Several of the new talks them are tagged Testing including one from Liz Keogh that looks at the patterns and principles of Test Driven Development. Paul Slack's session Continuous delivery - the missing parts is another that bears the Testing tag along with Architecture and Software project design, but that's just part of the story:

As we discuss concepts such as config management, orchestration, security, monitoring and logging, this talk will help developers realise that continuous delivery is something we need to continually measure, learn and adapt to make us a higher achieving organisation.

Rachel Appel has a session about automated UI testing and her other two two talks are firmly centred on JavaScript.   In the first, with intriguing title I just met you, and ''this'' is crazy, but here's my Nan, so call(me), maybe? Rachel sets out to:make fun of JavaScript, but learn something by doing so:

In this session that blends comedy and learning, we will discuss common JavaScript headaches and mistakes and fun ways to avoid them. Learn what can trick you, like the 'this' keyword, JavaScript scoping, evil Eval, and the use of the 'with' statement (wait... what?).  

Her other session  Write next generation, object-oriented JavaScript with TypeScript is more straightforward. 

Testing is covered in Harry Cummings' session Taming the database, which looks at the pros and cons of different approaches to database persistence. However, the tag  is also applied to Node.js for .NET developers a session which:

will cover the programming model of Node.js, highlighting commonalities and differences with traditional .NET development, and the relative benefits of each. 

A title that stands out among the new entries is #NoEstimates does not mean ''no estimates'' from Seb Rose who says:

In this session we’ll cut through the #NoEstimates rhetoric and sketch out the dysfunctions at the heart of software development that gave rise to the hashtag in the first place. 

 This session also has the tag Writing better code, one that also appears on Steve Rodgers talk Code quality in which he raises, and answers, the questions:

What are the characteristics of high quality code? Why should developers care about code quality? How do I write good quality code?  

Writing better code is central to this year's SDD conference which opens on Tuesday 12th May with Kevlin Henney's keynote The Programmer in which he:

considers the act of programming and those who do it and want to get better at it, from the perspective of development process to craft, from architecture to code. 



If you register for a 5-day pass before February 13th it works out at just £300 plus VAT per day. If you can't spare the whole week you can book for just the conference for £960 plus VAT, for two all-day workshops (£660 plus VAT) or just  a single workshop (£340 plus VAT). 


I Programmer Is A Media Sponsor Of SDD 2015


More Information

SDD 2015

SDD Schedule

SDD 2015 Speakers

SDD 2015 Brochure (pdf)

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 10 February 2015 )