Insider's Guide To Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Part 2
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Monday, 24 April 2017
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Insider's Guide To Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Part 2
Lifecycle issues
Uploading the Project and Feedback

A License Question 

It was time to upload the project to GitHub, but now the question became "under which license?".That's yet another question for my mentor:

I'm about to create my first github repo to host the code for stage 2. What kind of license should I release the code under according to the Nanodegree standards?

Hi Nikos. There isn't any recommended license for the project.
You can go for the open source ones if you want, but you don't have to put your code under any license to submit it.

Unfortunately that's probably the last of our correspondence since shortly after submitting my project I've received the following email :

"Congrats on completing the Mentorship program! This is a reminder you now have been unassigned from your mentor. If you have questions you can find peers and mentors to help answer your questions in the forums!"


In any case, I've opted for the Apache 2.0 license and made the project publicly available at


In getting the results of the obligatory Code Review, I was met with shock, as the top section of the review was occupied by the following scary looking error message:

"FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process:, PID: 4276 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$Lambda$1 at
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method)"

Fortunately, I quickly noticed that this error was due to trying to run my app on devices of minsdk version lower than 24, a requirement for using Lambdas. Saying that, the reviewer should have been more careful in attaching such scary looking error messages at the top of an eagerly anticipated code review!

(click to enlarge)

Scrolling down for the rest, I happily found that my project met all of the rubric's specifications.Now what remains is somehow finding the time to revisit the chapters skimmed over before tackling the next Unit of the Stock Hawk app. At this stage, I opted for functionality rather than design, although the end result came out as not that bad after all!

One final note that I'd like to add before closing, is that I've managed to shed more light on the guaranteed job aspect of the course :


At this time, Nanodegree Plus is only open to those who are or will be legally able to work in the US, but we do hope to include more countries in the future.

If you are or will be legally able to work in the US for at least 1 year following your Nanodegree graduation, without the need for employer sponsorship, then you are eligible to enrol in Nanodegree Plus. You can find more details about Udacity and work authorization in the FAQ section at the bottom of the Nanodegree Plus Info Page.

If you are not eligible for Nanodegree Plus, we would encourage you to look into one of our Nanodegree programs. As a student in one of our Nanodegree programs, you will have access to our wide range of Career Services, and you will be able to get 50% of your tuition refunded if you complete the program within 12 months!

Unfortunately, Udacity does not offer any legal advice pertaining to immigration, work visas, or employer sponsorship. I encourage you to reach out to a lawyer if you have any questions. You can view a list of external resources we've compiled for students looking to work outside of their country here:


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More Information

Android Developer Nanodegree

Popular Movies project Stage 1 & 2 on GitHub

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Last Updated ( Monday, 20 November 2017 )