Book Watch Archive

The C# Type System (No Starch Press)
Monday, 13 November 2023

This book looks at C#'s type system, the foundation upon which all C# programs are built. Steve Love shows how to define and implement value types effectively, and write more performant and robust code. Real-world code examples and test cases throughout are designed to improve your programming with C# and show how best to implement the principles you’re learning.

<ASIN: 1718501587>

Begin to Code (Microsoft Press)
Friday, 10 November 2023

This full-color guide will help you start creating cloud-based apps and games fast, even if you've never done it before. Rob Miles has revamped the tutorial for beginners providing challenges from debugging to step-by-step Make Something Happen exercises replicated as YouTube videos linked directly from the book.

<ASIN: 0138065403>

MySQL Crash Course, 2nd Ed (Addison-Wesley)
Wednesday, 08 November 2023

This book will teach you all you need to know to be immediately productive with MySQL 8. Ben Forta provides 30 highly focused hands-on lessons.


Practical Julia: A Hands-On Introduction for Scientific Minds (No Starch)
Monday, 06 November 2023

This book is a comprehensive introduction to the language, making it accessible even if you’re new to programming. Lee Phillips dives in with a thorough guide to Julia’s syntax, data types, and best practices, then moves on to craft solutions for challenges in physics, statistics, biology, mathematics, and scientific machine learning. Whether you’re solving computational problems, visualizing data, writing simulations, or developing specialized tools, this book will show you how.

<ASIN:1718502761 >

3D Printing (For Dummies)
Friday, 03 November 2023

Aimed at hobbyists and business people interested in 3D printing, this is a quick-start guide to desktop manufacturing. Richard Horne takes a tour of the latest devices and resources and shows how to streamline and configure your 3D printing workflow for maximum efficiency. It’s also a handy guide for more experienced users looking to learn the latest and greatest in additive manufacturing. Updated for the latest generation of machines and materials, this book walks you through creating models and printing 3D objects.

<ASIN:1394169477 >

Query: Getting Information from Data with the Wolfram Language (Wolfram Media)
Wednesday, 01 November 2023

In this book, Professor Seth J. Chandler guides intermediate users of Wolfram from simple cases to data in the wild and shows how each can be fed into the full range of Wolfram Language functionality. It's both a conceptual and practical approach filled with annotated examples. The book shows how to organize or reduce data in the Wolfram Language similarly to the way one might use SQL, pandas in Python, or dplyr in R's tidyverse. It also shows how to simplify data processing and go beyond what is possible with other tools using the Query function.

<ASIN: 1579550851>

Microsoft Azure Storage (Microsoft Press)
Monday, 30 October 2023

In this "Definitive Guide" to designing, deploying, and managing Azure storage services for maximum performance, scalability, and value, Avinash Valiramani shows how to make the most of Azure storage tools and services to reduce downtime, avoid unnecessary costs, simplify management, and maintain performance no matter how large the environment scales. He includes coverage of Azure blob, file, queue storage, managed disks, Data Share, and Data Box.

<ASIN:013759318X >

The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived (Public Affairs)
Friday, 27 October 2023

This book tells the story of Thomas Watson Jr., who Ralph Watson McElvenny and Marc Wortman argue is a figure more important to the creation of the modern world than Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and Morgan. Nearly fifty years into IBM’s existence, Thomas Watson Jr. undertook the biggest gamble in business history when he “bet the farm” on the creation of the IBM System/360, the world’s first fully integrated and compatible mainframe computer.

<ASIN:‎ 1541768523 >

Driving Value with Sprint Goals (Addison-Wesley)
Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Subtitled "Humble Plans, Exceptional Results", this book looks at the use of Sprint goals to get the whole Scrum team behind clear goals that deliver real value (outcomes)--not just more features (output). Sprint Goals are your most powerful tool for achieving this alignment, but many teams avoid, misuse, or struggle with them. Maarten Dalmijn guides you through defining, creating, and executing on Sprint Goals that deliver outstanding value to customers and the business.

<ASIN:0137381921 >

Functional Design: Principles, Patterns, and Practices (Addison-Wesley)
Monday, 23 October 2023

In this book, Robert C. Martin explains how and why to use functional programming to build better systems for real customers. Martin compares conventional object-oriented coding structures in Java to those enabled by functional languages, identifies the best roles for each, and shows how to build better systems by judiciously using them in context.

<ASIN: 0138176396>

Coding with the micro:bit (In Easy Steps)
Friday, 20 October 2023

Subtitled "Create Cool Programming Projects", this book is the 5th title in the QuestKids set of books aimed at younger children in a large-size format with full color. Dan Aldred introduces you to the hardware and software features of the BBC micro:bit, including the built-in microphone, speaker, and touch sensor added in micro:bit version 2. You’ll learn new skills such as how to code your micro:bit to play music, send messages, display pictures, and detect light.


Pro ASP.NET Core 7, 10th Ed (Manning)
Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Now in its tenth edition, in this guide to ASP.NET Core Adam Freeman shows how to create easy, extensible, and cloud-native web applications. The book has been fully updated to .NET 7, with extensive chapters on Razor Pages, Blazor, and the MVC framework.



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