Book Watch Archive

Algorithms: Absolute Beginner's Guide (Addison-Wesley)
Wednesday, 10 January 2024

This book teaches algorithms and data structures. Using diagrams and fully annotated code samples in Javascript, Kirupa Chinnathambi starts with the basics and gradually goes deeper and broader into all the techniques needed to organize data. The author argues that efficient algorithms are needed now more than ever. Programming languages come and go, but the core of programming--algorithms and data structures--remains the same.


Android Studio Hedgehog Essentials - Java Edition (Payload Media)
Monday, 08 January 2024

Fully updated for Android Studio Hedgehog (2023.1.1) and the new UI, this book shows how to develop Android-based applications using Java. Neil Smyth begins with the basics. An introduction to the architecture of Android is followed by an in-depth look at the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment.

<ASIN:1951442822 >

The Genesis Book (Bitcoin Magazine Books)
Friday, 05 January 2024

This book tells the story of the people and projects that inspired the invention of the world’s first successful peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Aaron van Wirdum tells how a diverse group of computer scientists, privacy activists, and heterodox economists tried to create a digital form of money that could operate independently of government control.


Learn Java with Projects (Packt)
Wednesday, 03 January 2024

This book begins by exploring the fundamentals of Java, from its primitive data types through to loops and arrays before moving on to object-oriented programming (OOP). Dr. Seán Kennedy and Maaike van Putten look at key topics such as classes and objects, inheritance, interfaces and lambda expressions.

<ASIN: 1837637180>

Autographic Design (MIT Press)
Monday, 01 January 2024

Subtited "The Matter of Data in a Self-Inscribing World", in this book Dietmar Offenhuber argues that citizen scientists, environmental activists, and forensic amateurs are using analog methods to present evidence of pollution, climate change, and the spread of disinformation. Offenhuber presents a model for these practices, a model to make data generation accountable: autographic design.


From Deep Learning to Rational Machines (Oxford University Press)
Friday, 29 December 2023

Subtitled "What the History of Philosophy Can Teach Us about the Future of Artificial Intelligence", this book provides a framework for thinking about foundational philosophical questions surrounding the use of deep artificial neural networks ("deep learning") to achieve artificial intelligence. Specifically, Cameron J. Buckner  links recent breakthroughs to classic works in empiricist philosophy of mind 

<ASIN:0197653308 >

Software Testing Strategies (Packt)
Wednesday, 27 December 2023

In this book, subtitled "A testing guide for the 2020s", Matthew Heusser and Michael Larsen cover a wide range of topics in the field of software testing, providing practical insights and strategies for professionals at every level. With equal emphasis on theoretical knowledge and practical application, this book is a valuable resource for programmers, testers, and anyone involved in software development.


I, Nobot (ORO Editions)
Tuesday, 26 December 2023

The book is a graphic novella written by two self-realized nobots who aim to help nearly seven billion fellow biological nobots (also known as humans) realize their true nature. The nobots argue that this is the first time two self-realized nobots have written a book together, and that their perspective can help bridge the gap between nobots and humans.

<ASIN: 1951541634>

Modern C Programming (Springer)
Wednesday, 20 December 2023

This book provides comprehensive detail about modern C programming, including the standards C99, C11, C17, C23, reflecting recent updates. The book features a number of targeted examples, atomic data types, and threads. After covering the standards of C, Orhan Gazi explains data types, operators, loops, conditional statements, functions, pointers, and more. The book is intended primarily for electrical and hardware engineers looking to use or update their knowledge of modern C programming.

<ASIN: 3031453603>

Understanding Deep Learning (MIT Press)
Monday, 18 December 2023

This book provides an accessible treatment of deep learning. Simon Prince curates only the ideas he considers most important with the aim of providing a high density of critical information. From machine learning basics to advanced models, each concept is presented in lay terms and then detailed precisely in mathematical form and illustrated visually. Suitable for anyone with a basic background in applied mathematics.

<ASIN: 0262048647>

How AI Works (No Starch Press)
Friday, 15 December 2023

In this book subtitled "From Sorcery to Science", Ronald T. Kneusel explores the explosion of artificial intelligence by explaining — without a single mathematical equation — what happened, when it happened, why it happened, how it happened, and what AI is actually doing "under the hood and  sets out to unravel the mysteries of artificial intelligence, without the complex math and unnecessary jargon.

<ASIN: 1718503725>

Better Python Code (Addison-Wesley)
Wednesday, 13 December 2023

This book is a guide to "Pythonic" programming, a collection of best practices, ways of working, and nuances that are easy to miss, especially when ingrained habits are borrowed from other programming languages. Author David Mertz presents concrete and concise examples of various misunderstandings, pitfalls, and bad habits in action.



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