Book Watch Archive

The Computer's Voice: From Star Trek to Siri (University of Minnesota Press)
Friday, 08 January 2021

Why is Star Trek’s computer coded as female, while HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey is heard as male? Liz W. Faber focuses on voice-interactive computers, and breaks new ground in questions surrounding media, technology, and gender. The book is a decade-by-decade investigation of computer voices, tracing the evolution from the masculine voices of the ’70s and ’80s to the feminine ones of the ’90s and ’00s. Faber ends her account in the present, with looks at the film Her and Siri herself.


JUnit in Action, 3rd Ed (Manning)
Wednesday, 06 January 2021

This completely rewritten edition with new code and new chapters, is an up-to-date guide to smooth software testing. Catalin Tudose provides examples that demonstrate JUnit's modern features, including its new architecture; nested, tagged, and dynamic tests; and dependency injection. Examples illustrate JUnit 5's innovations for dependency injection, nested testing, parameterized tests, and more.


Murach's C#, 7th Ed (Murach)
Monday, 04 January 2021

This updated 7th edition covers the C# essentials along with how to take advantage of the most recent releases of C#, .NET, and Visual Studio. Joel Murach shows how to develop Windows Forms applications and how to use business classes, inheritance, and interfaces the way they're used in the real world. It's a database programming book that shows how to create professional database applications using Entity Framework and LINQ or ADO.NET, and how to develop 3-tiered, object-oriented, Windows Forms applications.


Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python (No Starch Press)
Wednesday, 30 December 2020

This book takes the next step beyond the basics covering the skills for becoming a capable, confident software developer. More than a mere collection of advanced syntax and masterful tips for writing clean code, Al Sweigart shows how to advance your Python programming skills by using the command line and other professional tools like code formatters, type checkers, linters, and version control. The book covers best practices for setting up a development environment, naming variables, and improving readability, then tackles documentation, organization and performance measurement, as well as object-oriented design and the Big-O algorithm analysis commonly used in coding interviews.


How Pac-Man Eats (The MIT Press)
Tuesday, 29 December 2020

This book looks at how the tools and concepts for making games are connected to what games can and do mean; with examples ranging from Papers, Please to Dys4ia. Noah Wardrip-Fruin considers two questions: What are the fundamental ways that games work? And how can games be about something? 


Python from the Very Beginning (Coherent Press)
Monday, 28 December 2020

John Whitington takes a no-prerequisites approach to teaching a modern general-purpose programming language. Each small, self-contained chapter introduces a new topic, building until the reader can write quite substantial programs. There are plenty of questions  with worked answers and hints. The book will appeal both to new programmers, and to experienced programmers eager to explore a new language. It is suitable both for formal use within an undergraduate or graduate curriculum, and for the interested amateur.


The Robot and Automation Almanac - 2021 (Prestige Professional Publishing)
Wednesday, 23 December 2020

An annual publication, now in its third year, from the Futurist Institute, the Robot and Automation Almanac is a collection of essays from leading robot and automation experts, executives, and investors. Each of the essays focuses on the "one big thing" that each author, including Jason Schenker, sees in the year ahead: an opportunity, a risk, a challenge, investment themes, an overlooked trend, a perception shift, a step change, or a trend change.


A Day in Code (Sundae Electronics)
Monday, 21 December 2020

This short book for children uses illustrations to tell a story written in the C programming language. From the beach to the bowling alley, Shari Eskenas and Ana Quintero Villafraz cover fundamental programming concepts while describing real life situations in simple C programs. Each C program is presented next to a full-page illustration that depicts the fun event described in the code.


Once Upon Atari (Scott West)
Friday, 18 December 2020

This book, with the subtitle "How I made history by killing an industry" offers an intimate view into the dramatic rise and fall of the early video game industry, and how it shaped the life of one of its key players. Howard Scott Warshaw gives a detailed look behind the scenes of the early days of video games, with particular attention to the causative factors leading up to the video game crash of the early 1980s. It is also the journey of one industry pioneer, and how his experience creating interactive entertainment reverberates throughout his life.


C++ Template Metaprogramming in Practice (Auerbach Publications)
Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Using the implementation of a deep learning framework as an example, in this book author Li Wei explains the application of metaprogramming in a relatively large project and emphasizes ways to optimize systems performance. Developers familiar with mainstream deep learning frameworks can also refer to this book to compare the differences between the deep learning framework implemented with metaprogramming and compile-time computing with deep learning frameworks using object-oriented methods. 


Agile Transformation (Addison-Wesley)
Monday, 14 December 2020

With the subtitle, "Using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework™ to Think and Lead Differently", this book describes the techniques of agile transformation. Michael K. Spayd and Michele Madore show how to use Integral Agile Transformation Framework (IATF) to combine what is known subjectively (“heart”) with what can be measured objectively (“data”). The authors say that even if you’re already using leadership or culture models, scaled frameworks, or other techniques, IATF helps you place them in context, overcome their limitations, and gain more value from them.


Dangers of Automation in Airliners (Air World)
Friday, 11 December 2020

Subtitled "Accidents Waiting to Happen", this book explores the idea that automation in aviation can be a lifesaver, expertly guiding a plane and its passengers through stormy weather to a safe landing. Or it can be a murderer, crashing an aircraft and killing all on board in the mistaken belief that it is doing the right thing. Jack Hersch looks in depth at a number of aviation accidents and explores why they happened.



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