Beyond Everywhere (Post Hill Press)
Friday, 28 July 2023

This book, subtitled "How Wi-Fi Became the World’s Most Beloved Technology" tells the international story of the people who created Wi-Fi, their early battles against skeptical opponents, and how it ultimately exploded across the globe to become synonymous with the internet itself—as told by one of Wi-Fi’s central figures. Greg Ennis tells of the techno/political conflicts at its birth, the battles against competing technologies as it was being nurtured, and the international diplomatic intrigue as it spread across the planet.



Author: Greg Ennis
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Date: July 2023
Pages: 432
ISBN: 978-8888453773
Print: B0CCCS2G48
Kindle: B0CC3HML1R
Audience: General
Level: Introductory
Category: Hardware platforms


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Quick Start Guide to Large Language Models

Author:  Sinan Ozdemir
Publisher:  Addison-Wesley
Pages: 288
ISBN: 978-0138199197
Print: 0138199191
Audience: LLM Beginners
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Mike James
We all want to know about LLMs, but how deep should you go?

Professional Scrum Development with Azure DevOps

Author: Richard Hundhausen
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Pages: 432
ISBN: 978-0136789239
Print: 0136789234
Kindle: B08F5HCNJ7
Audience: Developers interested in Scrum
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Kay Ewbank

This is a book designed for teams using Scrum and Azure DevOps together for developing complex product [ ... ]

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