Driving Value with Sprint Goals (Addison-Wesley)
Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Subtitled "Humble Plans, Exceptional Results", this book looks at the use of Sprint goals to get the whole Scrum team behind clear goals that deliver real value (outcomes)--not just more features (output). Sprint Goals are your most powerful tool for achieving this alignment, but many teams avoid, misuse, or struggle with them. Maarten Dalmijn guides you through defining, creating, and executing on Sprint Goals that deliver outstanding value to customers and the business.

<ASIN:0137381921 >

This concise guide gives strategies and concepts for building high-performing teams with the aim of transforming the organization from being low-value "feature factories" to delivering high-value outcomes.

Author: Maarten Dalmijn
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Date: July 2023
Pages: 256
ISBN: 978-0138073688
Print: 0137381920
Kindle: B0C7ZJR7N2
Audience: Scrum developers
Level: Introductory
Category: Methodology

  • Understand how making plans doesn't start with planning but with intent
  • Use humble planning together with intent to deal with surprises as you discover and learn what's necessary while you do the work
  • Establish a laser-like focus on driving the outputs that lead to the most valuable outcomes
  • Learn how to use Sprint Goals throughout the Sprint, at Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, and for the ongoing work of building high-performing teams
  • Learn what happens when Sprint Goals are absent or misapplied, and how to avoid those pitfalls


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