The Genesis Book (Bitcoin Magazine Books)
Friday, 05 January 2024

This book tells the story of the people and projects that inspired the invention of the world’s first successful peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Aaron van Wirdum tells how a diverse group of computer scientists, privacy activists, and heterodox economists tried to create a digital form of money that could operate independently of government control.



Author: Aaron van Wirdum
Publisher: Bitcoin Magazine Books 
Date: January 2024
Pages: 356
ISBN: 979-8989132621
Audience: General 
Level: Introductory 
Category: History


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Wild West To Agile (Addison-Wesley)

Author: Jim Highsmith
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-0137961009
Print: 0137961006
Kindle: B0BXWP88KP
Audience: Adherents of Agile methodology
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Alex Denham

The subtitle of this book is Adventures in Software Development Evolution and Revolution and it is personal reminin [ ... ]

Programming Kotlin Applications (Wrox)

Author:  Brett McLaughlin
Publisher: Wrox/Wiley
Pages: 384
ISBN: 978-1119696186
Print: 1119696186
Kindle: B08QCK4982
Audience: Beginning Kotlin Programmers.
Rating: 3
Reviewer: Alex Armstrong

Kotlin applications - what applications in particular?

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