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November 17 - 25, 2020
Featured Articles
Pi IoT In Python Using GPIO Zero - DC Motors Harry Fairhead & Mike James
Motors are a central part of the IoT but they are often taken for granted. This extract is from the newly punlished Raspberry Pi IoT In Python Using GPIO Zero and looks at how to work with basic DC Motors using the GPIO Zero library for the Raspberry Pi.
Covariance And Contravariance - A Simple Guide Mike James
Programming, and computer science in particular, has a tendency to use other people's jargon. Often this makes things seem more difficult. You may have heard of covariance and contravariance and wondered what they were all about. Here's a simple explanation that applies to any computer language
Programming News and Views
Apple Is Playing With Us - App Store Tax Cut To 15% 25 Nov | Mike James
The headline news is that Apple has cut the percentage it takes from the App Store to 15%, down from 30%, but only if you don't earn more than $1 million per year across all your apps.
EG: A Tool For API Snippets 25 Nov | Ian Elliot
As programmer's our modis operandi is to use existing APIs and turn them to novel uses. To do this we rely on good examples of how APIs are used. This is where EG, a tool that mines codebases and shows the common, idiomatic usage examples for API methods, can help.
CockroachDB 20.2 Adds PostGIS Spatial Data Support 24 Nov | Kay Ewbank
There's a new version of CockroachDB that has updates for developers, better security and new features including support for storing and indexing spatial data using Postgre PostGIS-compatible SQL syntax.
PyTorch Developer Day Updates 24 Nov | Alex Denham
The PyTorch Virtual Developer Day is now available online with technical talks and version 1.7 release deep dives. The team also announced updates to PyTorch.
TypeScript 4.1 Adds Temporal Literal Types 23 Nov | Kay Ewbank
TypeScript has been updated with new checking flags, editor productivity updates, and speed improvements, alongside new features including support for temporal literal types.
The State Of Secure Software Development - Three OpenSSF Courses 23 Nov | Nikos Vaggalis
The Open Source Security Foundation has recently launched three brand new and free courses on Secure Software Development, which are hosted on edX.
Diabolo Juggling By Robot Arms 22 Nov | Lucy Black
Watching two robot arms play diabolo is enough to induce diabolo envy in anyone who has ever experimented with this type of toy. The good news is that Omron is going to release the simulation model, dataset and control algorithm so that others robot arms can be trained to do similar juggling feats.
Spatial AI Competition A Winner 20 Nov | Sue Gee
When OpenCV launched a Computer Vision contest earlier this year, it expected to award three prizes, totalling $6,000. The competition was so popular that it has now announced six winners who share $12,000. It also plans further contests with "10X times rewards".
Hour Of Code Adds Lessons In Unconscious Bias 20 Nov | Kay Ewbank
Microsoft has announced details a new Hour of Code lesson. In "A Minecraft Tale of Two Villages!" the task will be to bring two villages together with the power of code, learning and practicing inclusion and empathy along the way.
Servo Rehomed With Linux Foundation 19 Nov | Sue Gee
Servo, the open source project initiated at Mozilla to create a high-performance browser engine designed for both application and embedded use, is joining the Linux Foundation.
Android Adopts Bazel For Build System 19 Nov | Kay Ewbank
The Android Platform is migrating from its current build systems (Soong and Make) to Bazel. While components of Bazel have been already checked into the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) source tree, this will be a phased migration over the next few Android releases.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a source of revenue that enables us to continue posting.
Full Review
- SQL Server 2019 Administrator’s Guide, 2nd Ed
Reviewer: Ian Stirk Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Conclusion: I’m not sure how much you can learn from this book. In many ways, you need to be an expert in SQL Server administration, and have a good understanding of English, to understand it fully.
The book’s subject areas are largely the correct ones, it does have some useful content, tips, and walkthroughs. However, it is let down significantly, in several chapters, by the poor use of English, muddled thinking, and some incorrect assertions. The book clearly needs better editing.
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