Every day I Programmer has new material written by programmers, for programmers. This week Harry Fairhead discusses the new, post-sysfx, way for the Raspberry Pi to use its GPIO lines and Ian Elliot provides a quick approach to getting started with PHP.
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September 16 - 22, 2021
Featured Articles
Raspberry Pi IoT In C - The Linux GPIO Driver Harry Fairhead
If you know about Sysfs you might have missed that the Sysfs approach to GPIO is deprecated - so how should you do it? This is an extract from the newly-published Raspberry Pi IoT in C, Second Edition.
Ten Minutes to PHP Ian Elliot
Want to get started with PHP but never found the time? Now you can write your first program in around ten minutes and understand where to go next.
Programming News and Views
Dissecting the 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey 22 Sep | Nikos Vaggalis
This survey comes from the Eclipse Foundation and provides technical insights into enterprise Java that give answers to questions like which Java based framework is on the rise, whether Java is used for Cloud native development and much more.
Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4 - More Productivity 22 Sep | Kay Ewbank
Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4 has been released with more support for personal and team productivity, along with support for 'modern development' according to the Visual Studio team.
Java 17 Release Promises Faster Performance 21 Sep | Kay Ewbank
Java Development Kit 17 and Java 17 are now generally available. JDK 17 was announced by the Open JDK group and Oracle released the new version under a commercial license for those using the Oracle JDK release as part of an Oracle product or service, or for those who want to be able to get commercial support.
Deno 1.14 Improves Web Crypto Support 21 Sep | Ian Elliot
Deno, the JavaScript and TypeScript runtime from the creator of Node.js, has been updated with improvements to the Web Crypto API, stabilization of the native server side WebSocket API, and new file locking APIs.
Keep Track Of Java Features with JEP Search 20 Sep | Nikos Vaggalis
Here we have a very practical resource for sorting, searching and filtering Java JEPs. But before we get to the details, what exactly is a JEP and why should we care?
JetBrains Data Science IDE Now Open To All 20 Sep | Kay Ewbank
JetBrains is opening up its new IDE for data scientists so anyone can try it out. Until now its only been available for invites to a private early access program.
Astro Pi Upgraded For New Missions 19 Sep | Harry Fairhead
Two new, upgraded, Astro Pi's are soon to be sent to the International Space Station, ready to perform experiments coded by school students as part of the challenge set by the European Space Agency and Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Sir Clive Sinclair Dies Aged 81 17 Sep | Sue Gee
Sir Clive Sinclair was the inventor who, as far as the UK was concerned, made home computing affordable, paving the way for today's thriving computer games industry.
Android Jetpack Wear OS Libraries Now Stable 17 Sep | Kay Ewbank
The first set of stable Android Jetpack Wear OS libraries are now available, covering wear, wear-input, wear-ongoing, wear-phone-interactions, and wear-remote-interactions. Android Jetpack is a suite of libraries for use in app development designed to reduce boilerplate code.
Vaadin Reaches Version 21 16 Sep | Nikos Vaggalis
The versatile full stack Java-based framework that is a competitor to Spring MVC, continues to innovate with its new release of v21. But first, what exactly is Vaadin?
VMware Announces Tanzu Application Platform 16 Sep | Kay Ewbank
VMware has announced a beta version of a new application platform designed for enterprise developers who want to build and run cloud-native applications on Kubernetes. Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) is designed to offer a 'pre-paved path to production' according to VMware.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that enables us to continue posting.
Full Review
Reviewer: Alex Armstrong Rating: 4 out of 5
 Verdict: This is a good book if you want some fairly technical projects in Python and aren't put off, or better if you are attracted to, the black hat aspect of the presentation. The second edition represents a slight bringing up-to-date and a bit of polish but things change slowly in this area of the black hat world.
Added to Book Watch
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From the I Programmer Library
Published this month:
- Deep C#: Dive Into Modern C# by Mike James

In Deep C#, I Programmer's Mike James, who has programmed in C# since its launch in 2000, provides a “deep dive” into various topics that are important or central to the language at a level that will suit the majority of C# programmers. Not everything will be new to any given reader, but by exploring the motivation behind key concepts, which is so often ignored in the documentation, the intention is to be thought-provoking and to give developers confidence to exploit C#’s wide range of features.
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