Meta Launches Five New Professional Certificates on Coursera
Written by Sue Gee   
Thursday, 23 June 2022

Meta is expanding its training offering on Coursera with five new professional certificates for those wanting to embark on a programming career - for the web, for mobile or as a database engineer. Pre-enroll before the starting date to enjoy your first 30 days free.

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meta on cousera

Recognizing the need to recruit new entrants into developer roles Meta, as Facebook is now known, has announced online training aimed at job seekers who don't have a college degree.

Meta isn't new on the Coursera platform - its Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate course launched in September 2020 and its English language version has had over 120,000 enrollments to date, it is also available in Arabic, Portuguese, and Spanish. Aimed at beginners, it consists of six courses, the last of which is a capstone, and requires a total of around 70 hour of effort. Like the five new Meta Professional Certificates it is included in Coursera Plus, the flexible subscription plan for learners who want to participate in multiple courses, see our report for details. 

The new Meta Professional Certificates are also for beginners. They are:

All of these certificates include an applied learning project in which you engage in hands-on activities and learn how to implement concepts and they all culminate in a Capstone project. There is some overlap in the courses included, for example both the Front-End and Back-End start with Introduction to Web Development and a have final course Coding Interview Preparation, encompassing approaches to problem solving, computer science foundations and soft skills needed to land a job. and Programming in Python is included in both in Back-End Developer and Database Engineer. The course Principles of UI/UX Design is in common in the Android/iOS and Version Control, in which you create a GitHub repository, is in all of them.

Coursera's CEO Jeff Maggioncalda is excited about the new Professional Certificates launching in July, not just because of how they will address gaps in the tech industry, but also for their  impact on the Gen Z workforce.

 "We think this'll be a game-changer - Gen Zers want more work flexibility and compensation than ever, so the tech industry is very appealing right now and this could be a great way to get them in." 

The level of interest in these courses is already high and the advantage of pre-enrolling is that you can enjoy your first 30 days free. 



More Information

Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

Meta Back-End Developer Professional Certificate

Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 23 June 2022 )