Joomla 1.6 Hello Magazine
Monday, 07 February 2011

The February 2011 issue of Joomla Magazine has 18 articles. Its three feature stories are interviews and there's also an account of Joomla! 1.6 celebrations.

The lead article in February's Joomla! Magazine looks back to January - Kyle Ledbetter: King of the launch room is an interview in which Kyle recounts the collaborative effort that was required for the launch of Joomla! 1.6 and Alice Grevet's article Let them Eat Cake is an account of some of the launch celebrations, complete with a decorated cake.





In the Designer's Studio there's Fourteen secrets of Joomla! Templating, a list of templating snippets claimed to have "the potential to change the way you approach templating - and this is in Joomla! 1.5. 

And in Designer's Workbench there's code for removing MooTools - and a discussion of why you might want to. 

The Administrator's Toolkit article asks "How off-line is Joomla!'s offline mode - which explains that offline mode is a "magic trick" or "illusion" that swaps the real page with the off-line system template. It proposes a method for really taking your site offline in the event of a hacker attack that works for Apache servers.

The menu structure of the Joomla! magazine site means that as you visit each of these columns the articles from previous issues are also presented. This may interfere with the magazine experience but it does mean it is a more useful resource.

For the rest of the contents, of this and previous issues, go to the Joomla! Community Magazine.


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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 08 February 2011 )