How Festo Built A Bird
Written by Harry Fairhead   
Saturday, 23 July 2011

If you missed the amazing biologically inspired robot bird built by Festo then it's not too late. A new Ted talk explains how it all came about.

The bird itself could form the basis for a true bird-like robot platform that could perform tasks that are outside of the scope of noisy quadrotor devices. Even if you don't think it is practical you have to admit that it is elegant and mesmerising to watch.




If you would like to see it in flight then there are videos and some comments for you to read. The new element is a Ted Talk video by Markus Fischer about how his team at Festo built SmartBird, a large, lightweight robot, modeled on a seagull, that flies by flapping its wings. It is worth watching if only for the sections when it flies around the lecture theater!





More Information

Festo Bionic Learning Network

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