Not A Drone Army But a Drone Orchestra
Written by Harry Fairhead   
Sunday, 27 April 2014

If you think you have seen drones play musical instruments you ain't seen nothing yet. The strange world of drone rock just got moved up a level. 

I'm not sure exactly what this is supposed to prove, but the team at KMel Robotics probably thinks that it is good publicity for its airborne video recording services. They took six quadrotors and some improvised musical instruments and added the software to allow them to play some pleasing tunes - the theme from 2001 A Space Odyssey, Carol of the Bells - using bells of course- and a slow tempo version of the Star Spangled Banner. 

This isn't the first performance that KMel Robotics has staged.  They were responsible for the James Bond Theme video a while back, and they do dance and live theater. 

I suppose I should say that it's good to see the old band back together!

Just watch and, of course, listen: 


Some of the instruments are specially constructed for the drones - the single string guitar for example, some are modified like the bells and the drums and there are some standard synthesisers in there.

There is also a lot of drone noise that some how seems to have been faded into the background. I often wonder why it is that the noise that drones make isn't cited more as a problem - but I would have thought it was much more of a problem with a music performance, unless you turn the amps up to 11. 




What next? 

Is drone culture real or are these just novelties that will fade away like all viral videos. 




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Last Updated ( Sunday, 27 April 2014 )