Pick This Year's JavaZone Movie
Written by Lucy Black   
Saturday, 10 May 2014

JavaZone's video are some of the funniest tech videos around and there's not a lot to laugh about when the subject is Java. This year it is your turn to choose the subject - fancy Game of Codes?




JavaZone is an independent Java conference held in Oslo - thats'in Norway in case you don't have Google maps handy. Norway has never struck me as being the most obvious place in the world to be a hot bed of Java development but what do I know... It is, perhaps despite its location, a really successful Java meetup - they claim 2500 devs last year and this year promises 150 speakers and a lot of partying, I mean technical presentations. Around half of the presentations are in English and we are reliably informed that the Norwegians are quite friendly.

Even if you don't program Java, and hence have no interest in visiting Norway, JavaZone really does have something for you in the form of its promo videos. Each year it produces a top class parody of something or other. Perhaps the best was the Lady Java Music video but the Streaming and Javapocalypse are also unmissable. If you missed them check out the links at the end of this news item. We begin to suspect that someone in the top level management of JavaZone is a frustrated big movie maker. 

This year, however, things are a little different - you can pick the subject for the promo video from three possibilities and there are three taster videos for you to see:

Game of Codes (nsfw)


House of Codes


 Writing Bad


If you don't know what they are parodies of then you might as well get back under that rock somewhere...

Which one to choose?

Personally I'd like to see them all but Game of Codes just has the edge. At the time of writing Writing Bad has the lead by a few hundred votes. 



Make a difference - vote now.

And while you are there check out the conference it looks fun - if only Norway was a bit closer. 

JavaZone 2014 takes place in Oslo Spektrum, September 9-11th 2014. 

More Information

JavaZone 2014

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 10 May 2014 )