New Emojis Announced For World Emoji Day
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Apple, Facebook and Google have all shown off new emojis to mark World Emoji day. The full list was announced back at the beginning of the year, but the companies have now shown off the way they'll look on the various platforms. 

Apple released a first look of the way it plans the emojis to look, with graphics for those vital emojis including ninja, boomerang, piñata and bubble tea. How have we coped until now?


Apple also showed off emojis for a dodo, tamale, set of pinched fingers, beaver, and an all-gender sign. One change from the original announcement back at the beginning of the year is that there are new anatomically correct emojis for hears and lungs. These are seen as more appropriate than the cartoon heart emoji when discussing the coronavirus pandemic.  Other announcements add new hairstyles and colored face coverings, alongside new options for headgear including a bike helmet and nurses cap. Emojis approved for being made available to iOS, but not shown off, include smiling face with tear, disguised face, and people hugging.


Google also showed off new more compassionate emojis, along with an anatomic lung and heart. They've also updated the tortoise, turtle and frog emojis, and added a 'cute smile' to the scorpion.

While the emojis look even more cartoon-like than previous designs, apparently Google is working with the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Victoria Bug Zoo to give its animals a “more authentic look.” Obviously, scorpions are known for their cute smiles. More pertinently, the emojis are being redesigned so they show up better for people using Android’s dark mode. 

Facebook has also taken note of World Emoji Day, and has upgraded its default emoji pack in Messenger with new animations, making the announcement on Twitter with the hashtag sayitwithstickers. WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, has also recently launched animated stickers for use in chats.



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