Turing Award Winners Give Talks
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Friday, 02 February 2024

A series of talks is being given by Turing Award winners and industry luminaries, and it's free online for anyone to watch. The series has been organized and given at Georgia Tech. The interests of the collection of famous names and award winners giving the talks means the series covers many of the major areas of research and interest to computer scientists and developers.

Considered to be the Nobel Prize of computing, the annual ACM A.M. Turing Award recognizes significant fundamental contributions to computing. Established in 1966, the award was named to honor Alan M. Turing and is the most prestigious of those made by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). The award carries a $1 million prize with financial support from Google.


The series of talks has been put together by Zvi Galil, holder of the Frederick G. Storey Chair in Computing at Georgia Tech, who has worked with Bjarne Stroustrup of C++ fame, and Andi Gutmans, co-creater of PHP to create the Georgia Tech Turing Award Winner Speaker Series.

The talks are available remotely, free of charge, via an online RSVP. Talks are presented using Microsoft Teams, and to view the talks live, you need to RSVP to receive the invitation to the Teams presentation. Three of the talks have already taken place but are still available to watch on YouTube for people who have RSVP-ed on the series website. Not all the talks are by Turing Award recipients, but all the speakers are well known for their contributions to technology.

The series opened with a talk by Dr. Moshe Y. Vardi, George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering at Rice University, best known for his contributions in logic and computation. His talk is titled How to Be an Ethical Technologist.

The second talk was by Dr. Leslie Lamport, a Turing Award recipient, who is the creator of LaTeX, and was awarded the Turing award for his fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of distributed and concurrent systems. He gave a talk titled How to Write a 21st Century Proof (AMA).

Dr. Leslie Lamport

The third of the talks was given by Dr. Noel Capon, the R.C. Kopf Professor of International Marketing at Columbia Business School. Capon's talk is on Managing Technology Marketing in the 21st Century.

Dr. Barbara Liskov will give the next talk on February 7. She is an Institute Professor at MIT, known for her work in programming languages and systems, and was awarded the Turing Award for contributions to practical and theoretical foundations of programming language and system design, especially related to data abstraction, fault tolerance, and distributed computing. Liskov's talk is titled How Data Abstraction Changed Computing Forever

Dr Barbara Liskov

Liskov, widely known for the eponymous Liskov Principle, was only the second female receipient of the Turing Award and clips from an ACM Turing Award intreview with her in 2016 are included in Barbara Liskov - A Career in Computer Science, an article in our History section. 

On February 16, Dr. Nir Shavit, Professor at MIT and a member of CSAIL, best known for his work in multi-core computation, will give a talk titled Tissue vs. Silicone Musings on the Future of Deep Learning Hardware and Software.

Other forthcoming titles in the series include Turing Award winner Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman on Data Science: Is it Real?; an AMA-style interview with Dr. Assaf Schuster of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology; and Turing Award winner Dr. Jack Dongarra on A Not so Simple Matter of Software.

The final two talks will be given by Turing Award winner Dr. Edward Feigenbaum, and Dr. Nachum Dershowitz of Tel Aviv University.

To view the talks, you need to click on the RSVP option on the series website.


More Information

Turing Award Series Website 

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Last Updated ( Friday, 02 February 2024 )