MariaDB Enterprise Updated
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

The forthcoming MariaDB Enterprise Spring 2016 release will have improved data security and high availability. 

Details of the new version were given in a presentation by Julien Fritsch, MariaDB Enterprise Product Manager. The new version is a commercial version of the MariaDB 10.1 open source database. MariaDB is a fork of MySQL.

The main changes to the new version are aimed at protecting data in a variety of ways, including data-at-rest encryption, a database firewall, and password validation. Other improvements add connection pooling, and automatic failover.



The high availability improvements are largely based on the fact that Maria DB is now integrated with the Galera server. Galera is a synchronous multi-master cluster for Linux supporting the XtraDB and InnoDB storage engines used by MariaDB. Other performance improvements come from optimization of the InnoDB storage engine, memory optimization to boost query response, and improvements to WebScaleSQL

The security enhancements include protection against SQL Injection and denial of service attacks. Companies using the database can also store encryption keys in their choice of independent key management systems, and can make use of stronger Kerberos authentication, password validation plugins, and role-based access control.

The company has also introduced a Security Audit service that customers can use to identify and overcome security weaknesses in a database deployment. The service can be used to evaluate security policies, technologies, and practices to identify procedural and technical gaps that create vulnerabilities.

The MariaDB Enterprise subscription includes the newest version of MariaDB server 10.1.12, LGPL connectors, MariaDB MaxScale 1.4, developer enablement and DBA productivity tools, database management plugins, and support and services.


More Information

MariaDB Enterprise Sneak Peak Slideshow

MariaDB Site

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 15 March 2016 )