Times They Are A Changing
Written by I Programmer   
Wednesday, 01 January 2014

As 2013 morphs into 2014 we wish our readers Happy New Year and hope that it develops in just the way you want it to. 


The Joy of Tech cartoon comments on how social media has changed the way we welcome in the New Year - but is it really a bad thing to be connected across the world?

What is doesn't convey is how many smiles and chuckles are evoked as responses to incoming messages and that the ability is there to share good news, useful information and thought provoking comment.





Visit Joy of Tech for more tech oriented humour though the whole of 2014.


The news team at I Programmer hope we have been able to bring you valuable and interesting news during 2013 (see our Review Of The Programming Year 2013 for the highlights) and that we can provide content you will want to share during 2014 - and hopefully bring you some news that will raise a smile from time to time.


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Girls In Tech Has Closed

Girls in Tech, the nonprofit devoted to "the engagement, education, and empowerment of women in technology" has closed due to lack of funding, leaving behind a blank website. 

Chainguard Images Now Come With JCK Certified Java

Chainguard has released OpenJDK Java images which are JCK conformant, adhering to the strict Java standard but also with a twist. The twist is that the images are minimalist and based on Wol [ ... ]

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 01 January 2014 )