How To Implement 2FA In Your Applications
Written by Sigal Zigelboim   
Saturday, 03 June 2023
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How To Implement 2FA In Your Applications
Google Authenticator Example

Google Authenticator Example

The Google Authenticator (GoogleAuth) library implements the TOTP algorithm described in RFC 6238. Here is an example of how to use it on Maven and Gradle.

Adding a dependency to the build environment

Use the following script for Maven:


Use the following for Gradle:

compile 'com.warrenstrange:googleauth:1.4.0'

These scripts will automatically pull the necessary libraries into the project, including Apache Commons Codec and Apache HTTP client.

Using the library

Use the following script to create new user credentials. The API will not receive a user name, so it is the caller’s responsibility to remember the username for the authorization step.

GoogleAuthenticator gAuth = 
new GoogleAuthenticator();
final GoogleAuthenticatorKey key = 

The user will receive the shared secret’s value from:


This value can be used to configure the new user account for the token. The most convenient way is to encode the key and account details in a QR code.

The user can then log in by providing the TOTP password created by the token device. This password should have six digits and change every 30 seconds by default. Although it’s possible to modify the password’s validity and length, most token devices, including Google Authenticator, use the TOTP-specified default values and do not support customization.

Use the following to check the validity of a password against the Base32-encoded secret key provided by the token:

GoogleAuthenticator gAuth = new GoogleAuthenticator();
boolean isCodeValid = gAuth.authorize(
secretKey, password);

The time-based nature of TOTP passwords means that the server and client clocks must be synchronized within the library’s tolerance. By default, the tolerance is set to a size 3 window and is overridable via the GoogleAuth instance configuration.

Best Practices for Implementing and Managing Two-Factor Authentication

Create a Comprehensive List of Access Points

The first step in implementing 2FA is to identify all the access points to the organization's sensitive information. This includes systems, applications, and databases that contain confidential data. Once you have a comprehensive list of access points, determine which ones require 2FA based on their level of risk and sensitivity.

Choose Authentication Factors Based on Organizational Requirements

Different authentication factors have different strengths and weaknesses. Some are more secure than others, while others are easier to use. Choose authentication factors that align with the organization's security needs and risk tolerance. For example, some organizations may require employees to use hardware tokens for authentication, while others may allow SMS-based authentication.

Create the Optimal Trade-off Between Usability and Security

When implementing 2FA, it's important to find the right balance between security and usability. To achieve this balance, consider factors such as the organization's risk tolerance, the importance of the information being protected, and the impact on user productivity and efficiency. It may also be useful to get feedback from users and stakeholders to ensure that the chosen authentication factors strike the right balance between security and usability.

Provide Multiple Authentication Options for Users

Offering multiple authentication options can give users more flexibility and convenience, while also providing an additional layer of security. This can be especially important for organizations with diverse user populations, who may have different preferences and needs for 2FA. By offering a variety of options, users can choose the method that works best for them.

Regularly Evaluate and Update the Authentication Plan

2FA is not a one-time implementation, but an ongoing process. It's important to regularly review and evaluate the authentication process to ensure that it is still meeting the organization's security needs. This includes periodically reviewing the authentication factors in use, as well as any new factors or technologies that may become available.


In conclusion, 2FA is an essential security measure that can help protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access to accounts and systems. By taking the time to implement 2FA effectively, organizations can improve their overall security posture and reduce the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks.


2fa sq


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 25 October 2023 )