NCache 4.4 Open Sourced
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Friday, 16 January 2015

A distributed object cache for .NET and Java apps has been made open source and is available for free.

The developers at Alachisoft say the release means .NET developers have unrestricted access to a truly elastic Distributed Cache that fits in nicely with their application’s stack.



NCache allows applications to remove performance bottlenecks related to their databases and data storage and linearly scale to handle extreme transaction loads. It is being used in environments including ASP.NET applications, WCF web services, and other .NET and Java server applications. There is also a version for use with Microsoft Azure that lets you cache application data, store ASP.NET Session State, and cache ASP.NET View State for applications running in a multi-server configuration.

NCache provides runtime data sharing between multiple platforms (java & .Net), along with object level sharing and event based asynchronous data sharing. It lets you register against a query so the application can ask for notifications whenever a record in the dataset is updated or modified. The synchronization is needed where multiple applications access the same cache and can operations that affect the results of other applications.

Iqbal Khan, technology evangelist at Alachisoft, developers of NCache, says that the company expects the release to lead to a mushrooming of high transaction .NET applications. In this video he provides an overview of its architecture and caching topologies:



NCache also has a bridge topology that creates bridge nodes where the complete cache is replicated asynchronously over a WAN. 




You can download NCache from the Alachisoft website and also find more videos and documentation there. If you want to contribute the project is on GitHub.




More Information



NCache on GitHub

NCache programmer's Guide (pdf)

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 January 2015 )