Top 10 From Around The Web: eCommerce Development
Written by Alex Armstrong   
Friday, 28 July 2017

eCommerce is the focus of this trawl around the web to bring you items of interest that you otherwise might not have found. We start with a look at integrating a payment gateway and continue with items on Magento, Shopify and Volusion plus a comparison between WordPress and Bigcommerce for eCommerce. - Integrating as your Payment Gateway in PHP is simple and easy to attach payment gateway solutions. That is the reason why you see a lot of eCommerce platforms offering seamless integration with it. If you are looking for an accurate way to integrate payment gateway in your custom PHP web application, this tutorial is for you. - How Does Magento's Payment Processing Work?

Magento is one of the biggest and most popular eCommerce platforms available. Due to its immense popularity with both individual and enterprise customers, it's one of the most requested platforms for payment gateway integration. This blog is based on Magento's Community Edition v1.9. - The Only eCommerce Website Design Tutorials You'll Ever Need

Need some advice on designing an eCommerce site? These 23 eCommerce website design tutorials, videos, articles, and ebooks can help. - How to Back Up a Magento Store

Did you know that there are two types of shop owners? Those who back up their stores and those who already back up their stores. It may sound funny at first, but you actually realize the value of the lost data only when you lose it forever. - Volusion Store Template Editing and Customization Tutorial

Even though Volusion provides quality templates with responsive design, you may have to tweak it make it suitable for your branding and purpose. Someone who is well versed with HTML and CSS can do it easily. Here is a quick guide on how to make changes to your templates. - Build a Shopify App

Building apps for Shopify merchants lets you quickly integrate your service into a Shopify Online Store, or embed your web apps directly inside Shopify POS and the Shopify admin. Each SDK provides you with all the tools, documentation, and other resources you need. - Shopify Review 2017 - In Depth Look at a Leading eCommerce Platform

In this Shopify review, we look at one of the most popular online-store building tools currently available. Read on to find out more about the pros and cons of this eCommerce solution. - How To Configure And Run Cron Job in Magento 2

Magento 2 comes with many awesome features. In Magento 1 and 2, Cron job is one of the most stunning feature. It allows to set up commands that run systematically at a set time and date. - Bigcommerce vs WordPress for eCommerce

We recently compared Shopify vs WordPress for eCommerce and wanted to do the same for BigCommerce. Like Shopify, BigCommerce offers an all-in-one hosted solution for running an online store. In this review, we will compare BigCommerce to using Cart66 with WordPress - Security Advisory: Stored XSS in Magento

During our regular research audits for our Cloud-based WAF, we discovered a Stored XSS vulnerability affecting the Magento platform that can be easily exploited remotely. We notified the Magento team and worked with them to get it fixed.

From Our Partners

CoolaData - Enterprise Web Analytics Tools

See this list of resources about web analytics tools for enterprises (such as Google Analytics 360 Suite, Webtrends, Adobe Analytics), including general information, tutorials, comparisons, and more. 



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