OpenROAD Brings Data to the Web
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Porting  a data centric app to the web just got a lot easier by leveraging the power of HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3 with Actian OpenROAD, 

OpenROAD is a project with a long history. It all started with ABF (Application By Forms), a development environment for ‘Green Screen’ fat client applications on Unix and the Ingres DBMS, where you write code with a domain specific language called 4GL . 

ABF applications are ideal for fast data entry operations and still widely used in mission critical systems around the globe.

Then, Windows 4GL emerged, allowing the creation full-blown of GUI applications. Later, when Ingres became Open Ingres, Windows 4GL was revamped as OpenROAD; a RAD solution for creating fat or thin clients on Linux and Windows platforms, supporting not just Ingres but also a variety of other DBMSs.



With OpenROAD you could also transform your client into a rich e-client and port your app to the Web by means of loading the runtime into the browser in the form of an ActiveX plugin for Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Now this has become much easier and modernized by leveraging the combined power of HTML5 , JavaScript and CSS3 through a code generator called Trans5, courtesy of Consolidate Systems LLC .

The way it works is that you export your application into XML, a feature supported by the latest generation of OpenRoad, currently at  version 6.1, and then pass it through Trans5 which will convert it into HTML5+Javascript+CSS3, thus easily creating a web-based application.




But the story does not end there; through PhoneGap the resulting HTML5 application can be converted to  what look like native apps and run on mobile devices as well.

An end-to-end holistic solution for taking your app to the Web

For more details you can watch the online presentation
Actian Openroad and the Mobile Revolution.


More Information


Consolidate Systems LLC

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 October 2012 )