Appian Survey Reveals Satisfaction With Low Code
Written by Janet Swift   
Wednesday, 29 May 2019

A survey conducted by IDG on behalf of Appian looks at the pressures imposed by emerging new technologies and the ways in which low code can help. 


Appian's motto is "Automate More. Code Less". It pioneers "Low-Code" which provides an environment that programmers use to create application software through graphical user interfaces and configuring. 

This report's title is The Impact of Low-Code on IT Satisfaction the background to the survey is summed up with:

Businesses depend on their IT teams more than ever. The effective use of technology now defines competitive advantage. Business line owners look to their IT colleagues to help drive innovation and unlock new revenue streams by providing applications and infrastructure to transform the customer experience and optimize operational performance.

Responses were gathered from 300 IT professionals working at companies with more than 1,000 employees, between March 27, 2019 through April 8, 2019. Half were senior IT professionals (C-level to Director). The other half identified as developers, engineers or architects.


As the chart above indicates the concerns of the two groups often diverged. Whereas half of the Senior IT respondents perceived great pressure from emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA), only a third of developers were as bothered.


However, in terms of combating that rising pressure, both groups agree that faster development tools, more availability of specialized skills for coding across multiple technologies and platforms, and better collaboration with business lines are the top three factories in developing applications that use emerging technologies, with development tools being the priority for devs and collaboration for their managers.


For developers the worst aspects of their jobs are are time spent troubleshooting application issues, pressure due to time constraints and deadlines, and time wasted on repetitive coding tasks.


While all survey respondents had a positive attitude towards Low Code, developer's attitudes were more favorable on every point raised with 86% agreeing that low-code can free up developer time to work on higher-level projects, and 84% considering it useful for automation of repetitive development tasks, such as coding forms and business rules.  

Yes, the fact that Appain's survey reveals positive perception of low-code is hardly a coincidence - and it could well be biased. But having drag and drop tools to automate repetitive parts of day-to-day programming chores sounds like a good idea to me too,



More Information

IDG Survey Report: The Impact of Low-Code on IT Satisfaction

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 29 May 2019 )