Programmer Gifts - Mugs With Attitude
Written by Mike James   
Friday, 15 December 2023

It's that mug time of year and what better than a new endpoint for your favourite algorithm oil... we have some for your consideration. This first one reflects how I feel most of the time and not only when I'm coding - debugging, refactoring and documenting.

I Programmer gets a very small reward if you place an order using the links in this article, but this has in no way affected our choice - there are just far too many to pick from! Click on the picture to know more about each item, including its price tag.

Debugging takes up far more time than it should and is undoubtedly helped by having a good brew to hand. So why not drink it from a mug with a message: 

This next one I'm including just 'cos it's so true. How often have you come to the conclusion that some piece of reliable code has never had a chance to work in the first place. I've been sure for a long time now that this is some deep feature of programming that we just have so far not managed to fathom. I think that if I had this mug I might spends some time contemplating more than just how much coffee I had left:

This one has a sort of mystical feeling about it.  What algorithm? Any algorithm? But whatever it means you would do well to remember it



Linux, user friendly? Ha ha ha... It might be programmer friendly if you set all file permissions to 777 but user friendly? Does it even have any users?

And I have to love the penguin!

As its the season of goodwill to all of course I'll help you find the bug in your code.

Only joking - Go away and let me code...



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Last Updated ( Friday, 15 December 2023 )