Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 Targets Productivity
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 19 July 2021

Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 has been released with a focus on "personal and team productivity, modern development, and constant innovation."  The preview is of the full desktop IDE, as opposed to Microsoft's similarly-named Visual Studio Code.

Writing about the new release in a blog post, Justin Johnson, Senior Program Manager on the Visual Studio Release team, said:

"At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Here on the Visual Studio team, we’re committed to that mission for developers."


My first reaction to this high-minded ambition was wondering if anyone on the Windows 10 or 11 teams had heard of this, and whether they'd got confused and added in a couple of 'not' clauses by accident. Back to Visual Studio, and reading on, I discovered that this empowerment to achieve more consists of.... a new font and updated icons!!

The new font, Cascadia Code, was included in the first preview. The updated icons have made it into this release.

So you should all be well empowered to go and solve that convoluted problem that was causing your apps to crash, right?

Back in the real world, Preview 2 comes with the latest version of the C++ build tools, which are binary compatible with other 14x tools. There's also more support for cross-platform capabilities, with new CMake integration and seamless targeting for WSL2. For .NET developers, Visual Studio 2022 also supports .NET MAUI and Blazor.

One actual improvement is a live preview option for XAML and web apps. The idea is to cut out the need to run your app to see the effect of changes that you've made. Instead, developers can make changes to an application in the editor and see the difference in real time. There's also a new debug option called Force Run, a debug command that runs your application to a specific point, ignoring any other breakpoint or exception.

Preview 2 of Visual Studio 2022 is available for download now.



More Information

Visual Studio Website

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Last Updated ( Monday, 19 July 2021 )