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# Article Title
101 ONVIF Challenge Winners
102 Don't Neglect Open Source Security
103 Canada's RAND Immigration Lottery Not Random!
104 PowerHammer - Leaking Data Through The Power Line
105 GitHub Bug Bounty Program Expanded In Scope and Reward
106 Intel Extends Bug Bounty Program
107 Levchin Prize for Real-World Cryptography
108 How Spectre Works
109 How Meltdown Works
110 Bug Bounty Bonanza
111 I Know Who You Are By The Way You Take A Corner
112 Stack Overflow Considered Harmful?
113 Samsung Bug Bounty Program
114 Fluid Passwords - Never The Same Password
115 Hacking Alexa By Whispering In Her Ear
116 More Cash For Internet Bug Bounty
117 Wireshark 2.4 Increases Protocol Coverage
118 Breaking Fitness Records Without Even Moving - Spoofing The Fitbit
119 Google Capture the Flag 2017
120 EU Cookie Law Is A Flop
121 Microsoft Edge Falls Victim At Pwn2Own
122 //No Comment - Trojan of Things, Disk LEDs Leak Data & So Do Phone Magnetometers
123 Get Ready for Expanded Pwn2Own 2017
124 //No Comment - Let's Encrypt, IoT Security & Obfuscation
125 Cure53 XSSMas Hacking Challenge 2016 Underway
126 Project Wycheproof Reveals Bugs In Popular Crypto Libraries
127 Microsoft Launches Cloud Fuzzing Service
128 Microsoft Bug Bounty Extends Scope
129 Your Android Could Leak Data Via USB Charging
130 Airship, a truly secure PHP CMS
131 Can AI Change the Face of Cyber Security?
132 Mayhem Wins DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge
133 Crypto 101 - A Free Ebook
134 SilentKeys A Privacy Aware Keyboard
135 Google Increases Android Bug Rewards
136 XSS Hunter For Pentesting
137 Anonymous Operation Icarus Hits Bank Sites
138 Doubt Over Craig Wright's Claim To Be Bitcoin Inventor - Updated
139 Hack A Chromebook for $100,000
140 Pwn2Own 2016 - The Results
141 Hacksplaining - Learn Through Hacking
142 Hack The Pentagon
143 Vulnerability Revealed In GNU C Library
144 Identifying Programmers From Executable Binaries
145 Teenage Programmer Equals Cyber Criminal
146 Let's Encrypt Now In Public Beta
147 State of Software Security
148 Coordinated Cyber Attack on Greek Banks
149 The Smartwatch Spy
150 Firefox, Chrome & Opera Block Access To Routers
151 How The Jeep Was Hacked
152 Microsoft Doubles Bounty Payouts
153 Your Phone's Battery Leaks - Your Id That Is
154 RC4 Stream Cypher - 75 Hours To Crack
155 Million Air Miles Bounty Awarded
156 New Android Bug Bounty Scheme
157 Navy Solicits Vulnerabilities
158 Mozilla Increases Bug Bounty
159 LOGJAM - Can The NSA Break 1024-bit DHM Keys?
160 Software Quality Blamed For Airbus Crash
161 Earn United Airlines Award Miles For Finding Bugs
162 Reboot Your Dreamliner Every 248 Days To Avoid Integer Overflow
163 Microsoft Expands Bounty Programs
164 How Secure Is Android? Very Secure
165 GitHub Under DDoS Attack
166 Largest Payout Ever At Pwn2Own 2015
167 Yahoo's New Disposable Passwords
168 Rowhammer - Changing Memory Without Accessing It
169 All Change For Pwnium V
170 WebRTC Leaks Local IP Addresses
171 NTP The Latest Open Source Security Problem
172 Upgrade Git Client To Avoid Vulnerability
173 What Does The NSA Think Of Cryptographers?
174 Double Rewards For Finding Bugs In Facebook Ads Code
175 Poodle Is A Very Different Sort Of Security Breach
176 Google Increases Maximum Bounty For Chrome Bugs
177 New Online Services Bug Bounty Program
178 ShellShock - Yet Another Code Injection Vulnerability
179 The Canvas Fingerprint - How?
180 Cat Photos - A Potential Security Risk?
181 Hijacking Chromecast Is Easy
182 Bitcoin Isn't As Anonymous As You Might Hope
183 Cryptol Version 2 Released
184 Internet Explorer Vulnerability Poses Threat Of Remote Code Execution
185 Mozilla Offers $10K For Critical Flaws In New Certificate Verification Scheme
186 Heartbleed - The Programmer's View
187 Facebook ThreatData
188 MozDef - Mozilla's Self Defence Kit
189 Record Payouts At Hacking Contests
190 The True Cost Of Bugs - Bitcoin Errors
191 $2.7 Million On Offer For Pwnium 4
192 Facebook Pays Out Record Reward
193 Optimize Mining Bitcoin
194 Google Extends Patch Reward
195 UPDATE 2: Is Bitcoin Broken - A Response And A Conference
196 Microsoft Extends Bounty
197 Microsoft and Facebook Launch Internet Bug Bounty Scheme
198 GOTCHA - No More Password Hacking
199 Google Offers Cash For Security Patches
200 Bounty Hunter Awarded $100,000
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