Training, Education & Careers
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# Article Title
501 Code Hunt - New Coding Game From Microsoft Research
502 Code School Adds AngularJS Course
503 Code Fellows Reports Hiring Success
504 edX At Two and A Course On Cyber-Physical Systems
505 Oracle Offers Raspberry Pi MOOC
506 April MOOCs in Computer Science
507 Computer Science Enrollments On The Up
508 Student Applications Open for Google Summer Of Code 2014
509 Computer Science MOOCs March Forward
510 Coursera Offers CS Specialization Certificates
511 Online Computer Science Masters Pilot MOOC Opens
512 Embedded Systems MOOC From EdX
513 MIT Professional Education MOOC on Big Data
514 New Complexity MOOC Started
515 Software Carpentry's Best Practices
516 Computer Science MOOCs For The New Year
517 Visualizing the Gender Gap in Computer Science
518 Hour of Code Reaches Over 16 Million - What Next?
519 Computer Science Education Week Starts
520 December Computer Science MOOCs and Online Courses
521 Processing's Hour of Code
522 Facebook's Open Academy Gets CS Students Involved In Open Source
523 Udacity Introducing Big Data Courses and Paid Enrollment
524 Get Set for Google Code-In 2013
525 Get Ready For Hour Of Code
526 New MOOC On Reactive Programming
527 November Computing MOOC Picks
528 Five Reasons To Teach Kids To Code
529 Hour Of Code Aims To Reach 10 Million Students
530 Visualizing 40,000 Code Submissions
531 Admissions Open For Online CS Masters Degree
532 Raspberry Pi To Star In Class?
533 Online High School Coding Competition
534 October MOOC RoundUp
535 FutureLearn's Inaugural Game Programming Course Already Full
536 Udacity Forms Open Education Alliance
537 Imagine Cup 2014 - Registration Open
538 Google & edX In New Collaboration
539 Back To MOOC - September's Computer Science Courses
540 Computer Science MOOC Round Up August
541 Udacity Looks To AI To Improve Learning Experience
542 Going Further Into Complexity With Santa Fe Institute
543 Coursera Plans To Double In Size
544 Online MSc In Computer Science Update
545 UK To Teach Programming Starting At Age 5
546 Online Computer Science and July MOOCs
547 Learn Scratch With Creative Computing Online Workshop
548 Udacity Offers HTML5 Game Development Certification
549 June Computing MOOCs and Open Courses
550 Accredible - Show Off Your Success
551 Massive Online Master's Degree in Computer Science
552 Reimagining The Carnival
553 AWS Certification Launched
554 May Computing MOOCs and Open Courses
555 Pearson VUE Exam Scheduling System Fails
556 Code Spells - Teaching Java to Kids
557 The Joy Of Complexity MOOCS
558 AdaFruit Puppets Teach Electronics
559 AppInventor Awarded Funding To Democratize Computing
560 Pluralsight Training for Kids
561 April's Crop of Computer MOOCs
562 Discover Chrome DevTools With A Free Course
563 The Three Principles Of Programming - An Exhibition
564 Google I/O 2013 Website Opens With Lots Of Fun
565 Computer Science MOOCs for March
566 Zuckerberg, Gates And More Promoting Computing In Schools
567 MOOCs - A Critique
568 New Imagine Cup Competitions With a Focus on Women
569 Codecademy Adds New API Courses
570 President Obama Says Teach Programming!
571 Google Summer of Code 2013
572 Free Online Computer Science Courses Starting February
573 Computer Science In English Baccalaureate
574 Berners-Lee - Teach Young Children To Code!
575 Let's Teach Kids To Code!
576 Top University For Computer Science
577 Hadoop Tutorial Launched
578 Amazon Offers GPU Access to Udacity Students
579 Free Windows 8 Teaching Resources From Microsoft
580 Learn How To Use APIs At Codecademy
581 The Value Of STEM
582 MCSD Is Back - But Different
583 A New Museum Of Math Opens In NY
584 UK Universities To Offer Free And Open Online Courses
585 Google Grants for Computer Science Education
586 CSEd Week 2012 Starts Today
587 Google Code-In 2012 Starts
588 The Art of Programming From OpenLearning
589 New Udacity Classes On Games, Graphics, Parallel & Chips
590 Hidden Benefits of Online Machine Learning
591 Ruby Track on Codecademy
592 The Coding Explosion
593 Learn Python Online For Free
594 Learn By Building Your Own Computer
595 E Is For Electronics Free Coloring Book
596 Lessons From Teaching Python Online
597 See Python Run - Free Visualization Tool
598 Google Launches Course Builder
599 More Online Educational Platforms
600 Software Carpentry - Learn To Program
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