Training, Education & Careers
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# Article Title
401 Obama Unveils Computer Science for All
402 E-Commerce Giant Hires Udacity Graduates Based On Nanodegree Portfolio
403 Minecraft Education Edition
404 Second Opportunity For Convolutional Neural Networks Class
405 Nanodegree Plus Offers Guaranteed Jobs
406 Statistical Learning MOOC Restarts Today
407 JavaScript Promises - Free Udacity Course
408 Stanford Bitcoin Engineering MOOC Proposed
409 Ruby Added To Udacity Schedule
410 Coursera Intro To Big Data
411 IBM Drops Hairdryer
412 Computer Science Education Week Now Big Event
413 Advance Your Career As a Web Developer With Udacity and Google
414 Google's Santa Tracker Introduces Coding Lab
415 Intel Buzz Workshop Comes To London
416 Coursera's Machine Learning Specialization
417 Minecraft Hour Of Code
418 Internet of Things MOOC Starts Today
419 More Machine Learning From Udacity
420 Star Wars For Hour Of Code
421 Top CS MOOCs By the Numbers
422 Computational Thinking For Kids
423 Codecademy Adds Java For Beginners
424 New Learn To Code Course From Future Learn
425 Facebook Launches TechPrep
426 Start Your Career With Udacity Nanodegree
427 The Hour Of Code Needs You
428 Online Introduction to ASP.NET 5
429 Stanford Online MOOC For Sound Synthesis
430 OSS University - A Free Computer Science Degree Curriculum
431 Computer Science Officially US STEM Subject
432 W3Cx Course Re-opens
433 New Incentive For Microsoft Virtual Academy
434 Udacity Nanodegree Partnership For India
435 Automata Theory on Coursera
436 Udacity Android Design Course Now Live
437 More Microsoft Courses On edX
438 Mozilla Thimble Relaunched As Teaching Resource
439 Bitcoin MOOC On Coursera
440 More Courses On Complexity Explorer
441 Improve Your Hiring Prospects With Computer Science
442 Java 8 Lambdas & Streams MOOC
443 Coursera Data Science Specialization Starts Today
444 Self-Paced Robotics MOOC
445 DVLUP Challenges - Now With Reward Points
446 Understand HTML5 With W3C & edX
447 Android Nanodegree From Google & Udacity
448 MOOC On Apache Spark
449 Web Design Course From Code School
450 Learn To Program Flying Robots
451 ABC++ Programming For Toddlers?
452 Introduction To Programming Nanodegree
453 Data Lakes For Big Data MOOC
454 Beginner's Courses On edX Starting Now
455 New Google Udacity Courses
456 Leslie Lamport On Programming As More Than Coding
457 Massive Study On MOOCs
458 April MOOCs - Focus On Data Science
459 Masters Level Computer Science From Udacity
460 BBC Giving Away 1 Million Microcomputers
461 Microsoft Courses On edX
462 Udacity Launches iOS Developer Nanodegree
463 Introduction to Robotics MOOC
464 Data Mining Specialization Starts Today
465 Know It Prove It A Learning Challenge
466 Bitcoin Course Offered Free Online
467 Pluralsight Acquires Code School
468 Computing Teachers Concerned That Pupils Know More Than Them - Updated
469 VS 2013 Included In GitHub Student Dev Pack
470 Dive Into A Convolutional Neural Network Class
471 Training To Advance Your Career
472 Smartphones and Robots In Royal Institution Christmas Lectures
473 Cryptoy - Code-Making App From GCHQ
474 President Obama Experiences An Hour of Code
475 A New Hour Of Code
476 Google Offers Cash Incentives to US Public Schools
477 Finland Dumps Handwriting In Favor Of Typing
478 Steve Ballmer Funds Harvard CS Expansion
479 Cybercrime From OU and BBC
480 Self Paced Haptics MOOC
481 Doctor Who Teaches Programming
482 BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching
483 MOOC On Functional Programming Using Haskell
484 Google Grants For Computer Science Education
485 Hour of Code Aims to Reach 100 Million Worldwide
486 Become A Web Developer With Udacity
487 Students Flocking to Computer Science
488 Back To School - September CS MOOCs
489 Blockly Games Introduce Kids To Code
490 Code In The Classroom
491 Numerical Methods With Python MOOC Starts Today
492 ScratchJr - Teaching Kids To Code With iPad
493 Three August MOOCs
494 Self Assessment For Programmers
495 Python Becomes Most Popular CS Teaching Language
496 Android App and New Courses from Udacity
497 Free Online Clojure MOOC
498 Google's Push To Attract Girls To Programming - Good Or Misguided
499 Udacity Offers Nanodegrees
500 Spring Into Summer MOOCs
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