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# Article Title
1 BusyBeaver(5) Is 47,176,870
2 Donald Knuth's Christmas Lecture 2023
3 Othello Solved - It's A Draw!
4 The Fall Of The Random Coin Toss
5 Donald Knuth's Xmas Lecture Is Back
6 Why Six Degrees Of Separation?
7 The Bamboo Garden Trimming Problem - Fun CS Theory
8 100 Prisoners And A Lightbulb
9 Celebrating Tau Day
10 Busy Beaver 6,2 Is Just Too Big!
11 New Record From Google - 100 Trillion Digits Of Pi
12 Neural Networks Take On Traveling Salesman
13 Weather Control Via Chaos
14 Wordle is NP Hard
15 Pi Day 2022 - It's Irrational!!!
16 Eight Queens Solved!
17 Quantum Computers Too Slow To Crack Bitcoin?
18 No Donald Knuth Christmas Lecture This Year ...
19 The Complexity Of Pizza Sharing
20 Better Jupyter Support For Azure DevOps
21 90 Years Since Kurt Godel Showed Us What We Cannot Know
22 Wolfram Offers $20,000 For A Proof
23 2021 Abel Prize Shared By Math and Computer Science
24 Pi Day 2021 - Give Me Pi!
25 Factorization In P - This Destroys RSA
26 Lambda Calculus For Excel - Who Ordered That?!
27 New Game Dots And Polygons Is NP Hard
28 Finding The Mona Lisa In Life
29 Pi Day 2020 - A Meditation On Numbers
30 Too Good To Miss: Terry Tao Almost Proves Collatz Conjecture
31 Knuth's 25th Christmas Lecture - Pi And The Art Of Computer Programming
32 Google:We Have Quantum Supremacy IBM: No You Don't
33 Mersenne Twister Considered Harmful
34 The 42 Question Answered By Planet-Sized Computer
35 Seeking Ramanujan - Intuition As Algorithm
36 Scott Aaronson On NP And Physics
37 Knuth Prize 2019 Awarded For Contributions To Complexity Theory
38 Not 42 But 33 - The Sum Of Three Cubes
39 Google Smashes Pi Record For Pi Day
40 Google Takes On Quantum Computing
41 A New Mersenne Prime Discovery
42 Yoda's (Donald Knuth) Xmas Lecture
43 Proof Of Quantum Supremacy?
44 Computing With Trains - Turing's Trains
45 It's Pi Day And Google Gets In On It With A Doodle
46 Google Announces 72-Qubit Machine
47 Donald Knuth At 80 Still Improving TAOCP
48 Largest Prime Now Has Over 23 Million Digits
49 Donald Knuth's Christmas Tree Lecture 2017
50 What Is The Computational Power Of The Universe?
51 The Grasshopper Problem
52 The Corpus Christi Prime
53 Tetris On Game Of Life - A Great Achievement
54 New Proof That P≠NP: Final Update - Almost Certainly not
55 N Queens Completion Is NP Complete
56 LZ Compression And The One-Bit Catastrophe
57 Rubik's Cube Is Hard - NP Hard
58 HerbGrind: A Tool to Find Floating Point Errors
59 Best Laid Plans of Lions and Men
60 Pi Day 2017 - Why Pi?
61 //No Comment - Turmits are Turing-universal, The Whale Swarm Algorithm & Rules That Govern Fish
62 No Super Turing Machines
63 //No Comment - Approximate Edit Distance, Irrational Guards & DCT In 14 Additions
64 //No Comment - Is Parallel Programming Hard; Column Subset Selection Is NP-complete & The Balance Attack Against Proof-Of-Work Blockchains
65 The Computer Science Breakthrough Of The Decade Now Reinstated!
66 //No Comment - Unums,1×n Jigsaw Puzzles are Hard & P ? = NP
67 Knuth's 22nd 360 Degree Not Christmas Tree Lecture
68 //No Comment - The Blockchain, Technology Beats Algorithms & Bridges in Complex Networks
69 //No Comment - TDD, C++ Lambdas & Agile Under Scrutiny
70 A Mathematical Proof Takes 200 Terabytes To State
71 IBM Might Give Some Access To Its Five-Qubit Quantum Computer
72 A New Spaceship Speed In Life
73 Abel Prize For Proving Fermat's Last Theorem
74 (Pizza) Pi Day
75 Number Of Legal Go Positions Finally Worked Out
76 Largest Mersenne Prime Discovered
77 Knuth's 21st Not Christmas Tree Lecture
78 Quantum Physics Is Undecidable
79 A SAT Based Game
80 Quantum Cats
81 Microsoft Releases Quantum Computing Tool
82 Erdos Conjecture Proven
83 Computer Finds New Pentagonal Tiling - With Some Human Help
84 Wear Your Favourite Cellular Automaton As A Scarf
85 Sliding Blocks Are Turing Complete
86 Microsoft Z3 Theorem Prover Wins Award
87 MIT Finds Overflow Bugs
88 Pi Day Of The Century
89 Donald Knuth's Christmas Tree Lecture
90 Halting Problem Used To Prove A Robot Cannot Computably Kill A Human
91 Look And Say Numbers And Conway's Constant
92 The Machine In The Ghost
93 Pulleys As Logic Gates
94 Search For Twin Prime Proof Slows
95 Complexity Theorist Awarded 2014 Abel Prize
96 More Ties Than We Thought Or Ties Of The Matrix
97 Happy Pi Day!
98 Candy Crush Is Harder Than It Sounds - NP Hard
99 Does John Conway Hate Life?
100 A Mathematical Proof Too Long To Check - The Erdos Discrepancy Conjecture
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