Open Source
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# Article Title
201 Mozilla Funds Open Source Code Audits
202 Microsoft Research Awards Demonstrate Commitment to Open Source
203 Open Source Employment Trends
204 Mozilla Looking For a New Home For Thunderbird
205 GNU Gneural Network - Do We Need Another Open Source DNN?
206 Google Open Sources Three New Hash Functions
207 Microsoft Joins Eclipse
208 Google Summer Of Code 2016
209 Mozilla Jumps On IoT Bandwagon
210 WorldWide Telescope Moves On
211 Google Open Sources iOS Testing Framework
212 Does SourceForge Have A Future?
213 Mozilla Distributes Funds To Open Source
214 Mozilla Open Source Support Program
215 OpenOffice Calls For More Volunteers
216 jQuery And Dojo Foundations To Merge
217 Should OpenOffice Be Closed?
218 New Portal For IBM Open Source Projects
219 The Truck Factor Revealed
220 Document Translator Open Sourced
221 Microsoft Open Sources WorldWide Telescope
222 Projects Abandon SourceForge
223 GitHub Introduces Licenses API
224 Mozilla Developer Network Fellowship Program
225 Google Code Shuts
226 Groovy Joins Apache
227 How Alive Is That Project?
228 Google Shrinks List of GSoC Open Source Organizations
229 Facebook's Stetho For Android Debugging
230 Microsoft Puts Orleans Code On GitHub
231 Groovy And Grails Lose Sponsor
232 NCache 4.4 Open Sourced
233 OSS Watch Openness Rating
234 EFF Asks For The Right To Access Software
235 Google Code-In 2014 Announced
236 Lennart Poettering - Open Source Not A Nice Place
237 TODO - A New Group To Tell Open Source Programmers
238 Google Frees Up More Patents
239 Beautiful Open
240 Keeping Open Source Safe
241 GCC Gets An Award From ACM And A Blast From Linus
242 TypeScript Goes Light, Moves To GitHub
243 UK Government Adopts Open Standards
244 Eclipse Community Survey 2014
245 Microsoft Refuses To Open Source VB6
246 Google Open Sources PDF Software Library
247 Nitra Open Sourced
248 Arduino Donations 2014
249 OpenWorm Building Life Cell By Cell
250 Scratch 2.0 Open Sourced
251 QEMU 2.0.0 Released
252 Open Source Better Than Proprietary Code
253 Valve Shares DirectX to OpenGL Code
254 OpenHatch - Matches Volunteers To Projects
255 OpenBSD Appeal For Funding Finds Sponsor
256 GitHub Traffic Analytics
257 ABCs Of Firefox Dev In Easy Videos
258 New API Commons Platform For Sharing APIs
259 Bribe Devs To Improve Open Source Software
260 TextTeaser Open Sourced
261 IPython Sponsored By Microsoft
262 $1 Billion For Linux
263 FSF - Free JavaScript Campaign - Too Far?
264 GitHub Adds Licensing Option
265 Google Code Bans Downloads
266 Open Source Has As Good Code Quality As Proprietary Code
267 FSF Says Close Windows 8
268 Ripple - A Better Bitcoin
269 GCC 4.8 migrates to C++
270 Google's Open Patent Non-Assertion Pledge
271 PHP 5.5 Beta1 Released
272 Huginn - An Information Collection Agent
273 IPython Creator Wins Free Software Award
274 Zend Optimizer+ For PHP?
275 LibreOffice 4.0 Released
276 Visual Studio To Get Git
277 Intel GraphBuilder Good For Extracting Knowledge From Big Data
278 An Open Source Dyslexic Font
279 Package Manager Library Open Sourced
280 LibreOffice Initiative To Eradicate Most Annoying Bugs
281 Cartoon - The EULA From Hell
282 Google Doodle Turing Machine Now Open Source
283 Eclipse Developer Survey
284 Google Open Sources Bob Moog Google Doodle
285 Joomla Magazine May 2012 - Upgrade to 2.5
286 Redis - Open Source from Microsoft
287 Joomla Magazine April 2012
288 LibreOffice Work In Progress Towards Collaboration
289 Microsoft Makes Mayhem Open Source
290 Joomla Magazine March 2012
291 Intel Supports LibreOffice
292 FSF Wants To Police JavaScript Use
293 Joomla Magazine February 2012
294 LibreOffice Development Status Report
295 Perl Foundation Receives Cash Injection
296 Joomla! 2.5 Released
297 Drive to remove unused code in LibreOffice
298 Exciting New Joomla Year - Joomla Magazine January 2012
299 OpenOffice 3.4 due early 2012
300 Join In the Virtual Bug Hunt for LibreOffice 3.5
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