1 |
New Reddit Terms Threaten Existence of 3rd Party Apps
2 |
How Computer Science Affects Your Chance of Finding a Date
3 |
New Microsoft Q&A Platform
4 |
Facebook Dead Will Inevitably Outnumber Live Users
5 |
Google Closes G+ And Rolls Out New Security
6 |
Facebook F8 - We Are The Enemy!
7 |
New Challenge - Create A Better Facebook
8 |
The Discovery Of The Twitter Bursty Botnet
9 |
This Just In: Fake News Packs a Lot in Title, Uses Simpler, Repetitive Content in Text Body, More Similar to Satire than Real News
10 |
//No Comment - I Would Not Plant Apple Trees, Crowds Should Talk More & Twitter Election Rumors
11 |
//No Comment - Fake News Spreads Like Real News, Flu Detector & NNs Detect Clickbait
12 |
//No Comment - Productive, Anxious, Lonely, #HashtagWars & Fun Facts
13 |
Facebook Roadmap For Connectivity, AI and VR/AR
14 |
New Developer Tools Unveiled At F8
15 |
Fewer Degrees Of Separation With Facebook
16 |
Facebook F8 2016 Registration Open
17 |
No More Tweet Counts
18 |
Twitter Promising Devs A Better Future
19 |
Twitter Switches Off JSON API - No More Tweet Counts
20 |
Windows SDK for Facebook
21 |
Yahoo Shuts Services
22 |
Pinterest API Open To Select Few
23 |
F8 - What's New For Facebook
24 |
LinkedIn Restricts Developer Access
25 |
Facebook Quickstarts
26 |
Google+ Sign-In
27 |
Join The Baidu Developer Platform
28 |
Facebook Developers Live
29 |
Social Media Trends - Google+ Is Number Two
30 |
Apps Have to Give Back to Facebook
31 |
Social Media Use - How, Where and Why
32 |
Socl - Collage Meets Search Meets TypeScript
33 |
MediaGoblin Looking For Support
34 |
TweetMeme Shuts Down
35 |
Twitter To Turn Off @Anywhere
36 |
Twitter Previews Changes That Will Rein In Competitors
37 |
Expanding Access to Google+ Page APIs
38 |
Social Media Apps For Couples
39 |
#BoycottApple on Google+
40 |
A-Google-A-Day goes Social
41 |
Facebook Rolls Out Its Own App Center
42 |
A Facebook App Center
43 |
Facebook vs Google - Developer's Take
44 |
More for Facebook Devs
45 |
New Identity for Google Developers
46 |
Google+ Devs Gain Google+ Page
47 |
Google+ Page For Android Developers
48 |
Social Media on the Brain
49 |
App Your Age
50 |
Microsoft Adds XMPP to Messenger
51 |
Page Size Matters - on Facebook
52 |
Facebook Inviting Devs to Apply
53 |
Google+ Product Not Platform?
54 |
Microsoft plays research games on Facebook
55 |
New Facebook features - anything for developers?
56 |
Google+ opens up - a new Hangouts API
57 |
How long do links last?
58 |
The verdict is in - social networking is good!
59 |
Amazon customer reviews - can we trust them?
60 |
Games added to Google+
61 |
Storm to be released at Strange Loop 2011
62 |
How is Google + built?
63 |
New Twitter Devs Site - will it fly?
64 |
Google Plus wants developers
65 |
LinkedIn Groups API
66 |
Twitter tries harder
67 |
Facebook shuts off apps without warning
68 |
WikiLove to encourage newbie editors?
69 |
Sickness as a social network
70 |
Facebook developers face disruption
71 |
Adobe's SocialAnalytics now in global beta
72 |
IM, Email or what?
73 |
LinkedIn Developer Network opens
74 |
Google's +1 button - vote as you search
75 |
rstat.us - a rival to Twitter?