Social Media
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# Article Title
1 New Reddit Terms Threaten Existence of 3rd Party Apps
2 How Computer Science Affects Your Chance of Finding a Date
3 New Microsoft Q&A Platform
4 Facebook Dead Will Inevitably Outnumber Live Users
5 Google Closes G+ And Rolls Out New Security
6 Facebook F8 - We Are The Enemy!
7 New Challenge - Create A Better Facebook
8 The Discovery Of The Twitter Bursty Botnet
9 This Just In: Fake News Packs a Lot in Title, Uses Simpler, Repetitive Content in Text Body, More Similar to Satire than Real News
10 //No Comment - I Would Not Plant Apple Trees, Crowds Should Talk More & Twitter Election Rumors
11 //No Comment - Fake News Spreads Like Real News, Flu Detector & NNs Detect Clickbait
12 //No Comment - Productive, Anxious, Lonely, #HashtagWars & Fun Facts
13 Facebook Roadmap For Connectivity, AI and VR/AR
14 New Developer Tools Unveiled At F8
15 Fewer Degrees Of Separation With Facebook
16 Facebook F8 2016 Registration Open
17 No More Tweet Counts
18 Twitter Promising Devs A Better Future
19 Twitter Switches Off JSON API - No More Tweet Counts
20 Windows SDK for Facebook
21 Yahoo Shuts Services
22 Pinterest API Open To Select Few
23 F8 - What's New For Facebook
24 LinkedIn Restricts Developer Access
25 Facebook Quickstarts
26 Google+ Sign-In
27 Join The Baidu Developer Platform
28 Facebook Developers Live
29 Social Media Trends - Google+ Is Number Two
30 Apps Have to Give Back to Facebook
31 Social Media Use - How, Where and Why
32 Socl - Collage Meets Search Meets TypeScript
33 MediaGoblin Looking For Support
34 TweetMeme Shuts Down
35 Twitter To Turn Off @Anywhere
36 Twitter Previews Changes That Will Rein In Competitors
37 Expanding Access to Google+ Page APIs
38 Social Media Apps For Couples
39 #BoycottApple on Google+
40 A-Google-A-Day goes Social
41 Facebook Rolls Out Its Own App Center
42 A Facebook App Center
43 Facebook vs Google - Developer's Take
44 More for Facebook Devs
45 New Identity for Google Developers
46 Google+ Devs Gain Google+ Page
47 Google+ Page For Android Developers
48 Social Media on the Brain
49 App Your Age
50 Microsoft Adds XMPP to Messenger
51 Page Size Matters - on Facebook
52 Facebook Inviting Devs to Apply
53 Google+ Product Not Platform?
54 Microsoft plays research games on Facebook
55 New Facebook features - anything for developers?
56 Google+ opens up - a new Hangouts API
57 How long do links last?
58 The verdict is in - social networking is good!
59 Amazon customer reviews - can we trust them?
60 Games added to Google+
61 Storm to be released at Strange Loop 2011
62 How is Google + built?
63 New Twitter Devs Site - will it fly?
64 Google Plus wants developers
65 LinkedIn Groups API
66 Twitter tries harder
67 Facebook shuts off apps without warning
68 WikiLove to encourage newbie editors?
69 Sickness as a social network
70 Facebook developers face disruption
71 Adobe's SocialAnalytics now in global beta
72 IM, Email or what?
73 LinkedIn Developer Network opens
74 Google's +1 button - vote as you search
75 - a rival to Twitter?