Artificial Intelligence
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# Article Title
601 Machine Learning Speeds TCP
602 Google Has Another Machine Vision Breakthrough?
603 Google Awards Grants For Natural Language Research
604 Developing Neural Networks
605 A Billion Neuronal Connections On The Cheap
606 Deep Learning Powers BING Voice Input
607 Google Explains How AI Photo Search Works
608 Cat To Human Translation App
609 Deep Learning Finds Your Photos
610 Virtual Machine Learning Summit
611 Evolving Soft Robots
612 Microsoft Wins Award for Infer.NET Bayesian Modeler
613 Kitty Radar Cat Detector
614 Deep Learning Researchers To Work For Google
615 Dumb Robots V Smart Robots
616 Google Helps Tell An Apple From Apple
617 Computer Science Of Prediction - Who Will Win The Oscars
618 Nao Picks Up Discarded Socks
619 Population Learning In Chess
620 The Truth About Spaun - The Brain Simulation
621 New Center Probes AI Risks
622 JSFeat - JavaScript Image Processing Library
623 IBM's TrueNorth Simulates 530 Billion Neurons
624 What Would You Do With A Siri-Like API?
625 NeoFace Recognizes Shoppers
626 Alien FaceHugger v Predator - Face Tracking Hots Up
627 Near Instant Speech Translation In Your Own Voice
628 Free Library Converts 2D Image to 3D
629 Google Uses AI To Find Good Tables
630 Google's Deep Learning - Speech Recognition
631 How To Breed A Face
632 The Singularity is Near - Update: Movie Now Available
633 Poison Attacks Against Machine Learning
634 Drops API and iOS App
635 Kasparov Versus Turing!
636 Largest Turing Test Ever
637 A Neural Network Learns What A Face Is
638 Learning Oriental Ink Painting
639 Correction Facility Added to Google Website Translator
640 Intelligent Robotic Fish Takes to the Sea
641 Mechanical Turk Launches Categorization App
642 Loebner Prize Judges Could Easily Identify Chatbots
643 Game-powered Machine Learning Finds the Music
644 Google Translate Exceeds 200 Million
645 Bletchley Park Hosts 2012 Loebner Prize
646 Face Recognition Applied to Portraits
647 AT&T Voice Recognition API Available in June
648 Cartoon - The Turing Test
649 Face Recognition Adds Age Estimation
650 Using a Flight Sim To Test Ocean Debris Tracking
651 Open Source Kinect Skeleton Tracking
652 Militarizing Your Backyard with Python and AI
653 Computer Competes in Crossword Tournament
654 Google Prediction API 1.5
655 Judea Pearl Latest Winner of Turing Award
656 AI Does Chemistry
657 Siri Horror - Again
658 A Swarm of Quadrotors
659 Evi Overloaded
660 The Perfect Fit - thanks to Kinect-technology
661 AI Can Find Long Lost Relatives
662 Ants AI Challenge Winner Announced
663 Google Uses AI to Find Where You Live
664 Strong v Weak AI - The Chinese Room in 60 seconds
665 One-Shot-Learning Gesture Challenge
666 AI At The Crossroads - predicting who is going to run a red light
667 Siri Enslaved by Proxy
668 Neural Networks for Fossil Discovery
669 DARPA Shredder Challenge
670 What do you get when you add HAL to SIRI?
671 Rosette wins Loebner Prize 2011
672 Take the AI Ants Challenge
673 Iris - Siri for Android proves Apple doesn't have an edge
674 Google’s Prediction API exits labs
675 Changing Rooms - Let AI Arrange The Furniture
676 Strongsteam - an online AI API
677 Speech Recognition Breakthrough
678 Two chatbots chat to each other - hilarious and weird
679 runs a competition for an unpaid job
680 China and the rise of the driverless car
681 Your phone detects what you are doing
682 Your tweets give away your gender
683 This website knows when you're angry!
684 Kinect knows what you are doing...
685 Pac-Man meets AI
686 Learn about machine learning with a demo
687 Teaching Robots To Read
688 Music video crowd sourced training data
689 Google Prediction API update
690 Google Prediction API v1.2
691 Google teaches computers regret
692 AI gender detector
693 Predator better than Kinect?
694 Sebastian Thrun on Google's driverless car
695 Augmented Reality App for shelf reading
696 Kinect's AI breakthrough explained
697 Kinect goes self aware - a warning
698 Robot in space
699 Close Finish in Robot Marathon
700 Five contestants race in robot marathon
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