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# Article Title
201 EDSAC Display Officially Opened
202 Tony Sale Computer Conservation Award 2014
203 Imitation Game Opens London Film Festival
204 Turing's Bombe Tops Poll
205 Block H and Colossus Revisited In Virtual Reality
206 Programmers' Day - Let's Celebrate
207 Gordon Bell Lifelogging at 80
208 70 Years Ago - Formal Presentation of Harvard Mark 1
209 Venn Diagrams In Today's Google Doodle
210 Cumberbatch As Turing - Trailers Released
211 EDSAC Diagrams Rediscovered
212 Passing The Turing Test Brings It Into Disrepute
213 In Celebration Of Alan Turing
214 Crowdfund Film About Grace Hopper
215 Happy 50th Birthday Basic - Try QuickVB To Celebrate
216 Linus Torvalds Receives IEEE Computer Pioneer Award
217 IEEE Honors Gary Kildall
218 Microsoft Opens MS-DOS Code
219 Colossus Re-enactment To Mark 70th Anniversary
220 UK National Computer Museum Off-Limits At Bletchley Park
221 Mac Celebrates 30th Anniversary
222 AI's Founding Father Marvin Minsky Wins Award
223 Benedict Cumberbatch As Alan Turing
224 Play Early Console Games In The Browser
225 Official Pardon For Turing
226 Binary - Older Than You Think
227 Google Doodle Celebrates Grace Hopper's Birthday
228 Windows 1.01, 3.0 and Mac 7 - In A Browser
229 Nominations Invited For Free Software Awards
230 Bill Lowe - IBM PC Pioneer
231 Software From The 80s Running In Your Browser
232 Statutory Pardon For Alan Turing - Update
233 Nobel Prize For Computer Chemists
234 Tributes Abound for Hiroshi Yamauchi Creator Of Nintendo
235 It's Programmer Day - What Are You Going To Do?
236 Bitcoin, BYOD and MOOC Added To Oxford Online Dictionary
237 Computer Graphics Honored By Katayanagi Prizes
238 Turing's Curse - Is There Nothing New Under The Sun?
239 Douglas Engelbart, Inventor Of The Mouse, Dies
240 Online Auction Of Iconic Apple Technology
241 EDSAC Reconstruction Demoed To Celebrate Wilkes Centenary
242 Google Celebrates Baby's 65 Years
243 Apple 1 Sold For Record Price of $668K
244 EDSAC Celebrated 64 Years After First Run
245 CERN Celebrates 20 Years of World Wide Web
246 Google Doodle For Euler & His Beautiful Equation
247 Demaines Become Guggenheim Fellows
248 Recognition for LLVM
249 Vote for Alan Turing's Universal Machine
250 Google Doodle For Hitch Hiker's Guide
251 Father of IBM Born On This Day In 1874
252 15 Years of XML
253 Cumberbatch to Play Turing?
254 Lotus 1-2-3 Launched 30 Years Ago Today
255 WITCH Computer Gains Guinness World Record
256 Tributes for Internet Activist Aaron Swartz
257 Progress With EDSAC Rebuild
258 30 Years of Modern Internet
259 Silicon Valley - A New Documentary
260 New Call For Turing Pardon
261 Apple 1 Breaks Records In Online Auction
262 Ada Lovelace's Anniversary Celebrated With Google Doodle
263 Atlas Computer Switched on 50 Years Ago
264 Pong At 40 - Still A Player
265 World's Oldest Digital Computer Works Again
266 The Influence Of Warren McCulloch
267 GIF Becomes Word Of The Year 2012
268 Ivan Sutherland Presented With Kyoto Prize
269 Rare Three-Rotor Enigma Machine Up For Auction
270 UNIVAC Predicts US Election - On This Day 60 Years Ago
271 Flossie - A Working Computer from the 1960s
272 Campaign for Recognition of Polish Enigma Codebreakers
273 Celebrate Ada Lovelace Day
274 LoveLetters Wins Tony Sale Award
275 The New Colossus Gallery
276 Alan Turing Monopoly Board
277 Turing Lectures From Andrew Hodges
278 Rare Apple I Available at Auction
279 IEEE Milestones for Whirlwind and SAGE
280 Kyoto Prize for Ivan Sutherland
281 Google Doodle - A Turing Machine Puzzle - Update: Play it Now
282 Turing Exhibition and Facebook Timeline
283 ACM Turing Centenary Event
284 Grady Booch Winner of 2012 Lovelace Medal
285 Alan Turing at Bletchley Park
286 Turing and His Times
287 Turing Centennial Celebration at Princeton
288 Award Established for Computer Conservation
289 The Greatest Machine Never Built (Video)
290 Linus Torvalds - Laureate for the 2012 Milllenium Technology Prize
291 Jack Tramiel Founder of Commodore
292 Ruby Creator Wins Free Software Award
293 Four Generations - Video
294 On This Day in 1890 - Vannevar Bush Born
295 Barbara Liskov Admitted to National Inventors Hall of Fame
296 Turing Year: The Legacy Explored
297 Sponsor a Valve on Colossus
298 Widespread Celebrations But No Pardon For Turing
299 Birthday Greetings to Discoverer of Quicksort
300 Donald Knuth in Alan Turing Year
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